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Last update messed up my game.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Vania, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Vania

    Vania Guest

    Since build 51 my movement is very glitchy, I have problems when jumping and climbing stairs.
    My character keeps warping back to the position I was just before. I also have ocassional graphic glitches: vertical white lines appear on the screen for a fraction of a second.

    I had none of these problems before build 51, maybe its the speedhack detection code...
  2. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It's lag, try a better server.
  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Yeah I have the same problem. Ised to only have 100-200 ping even while downloading a bunch of crap. Now I can't get less than 300.
  4. Tsuki

    Tsuki Guest

    Same issue, the game seems to be more laggy after each updates.
  5. vig

    vig KAG Guard Tester

    I thought that most of the servers suddenly started to lag for me because of my internet but it appears that every now and then, strange rapid player location changes occur. Especially when enemies are on cliff or fort edges; they seem to fall off but a second later they all appear to still be on the ledges/edges.

    It seems that if a player stands on the edge of a stone block, or any other solid block for that matter, the player will slowly slide off...
  6. Vania

    Vania Guest

    "they seem to fall off but a second later they all appear to still be on the ledges/edges."

    Yeah same thing happens to me. And I'm completely sure it started happening after build51. I am playing in the same servers with the same connection as before.
  7. Kelaisnow

    Kelaisnow Guest

  8. hongsaru

    hongsaru Guest

    I registered just to say that the last recent update made the game glitchy and laggy.
  9. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    SIDE NOTE: It kind of resemble soldat's netcode. If one played it he knows that there are bugs like that.

    I hope it'll get fixed soon. :)
  10. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Ok, so I've experienced today (probably due to rewritten netcode):
    • Archer who looked like builder.[/*]
    • Soldier who was a builder.[/*]
    • Actually any mix of the possible classes...[/*]
    • Gold bags laying where they actually weren't.[/*]
    • People warping back and forth.[/*]
    • Builders who were doing a sky-bridge were warping to the ground and back up to the ladders (where they actually were).[/*]
    • Emoticons that weren't disappearing.[/*]
    • And more...[/*]

    Something unpleasant is going on...I'll add that my IP was stable 66.

    EDIT: So after playing for a while on one of my servers which is located in Germany (~1000 km from me) people playing along with me started to complain about lags. For me everything worked just fine but they said that they had 0.5-1.5 sec delay in movement and shooting, striking and so on, even though their ping according to the table didn't exceed 300 in the worst of the cases. According to players it started after server was almost half full (over 30 players) - I know that my VPS can handle this and it rather wasn't a coincidence. It could be cause by the amount of players but on the other hand I had set huge random map (800 tiles in length and 300 in height) and few people said that the more tunnels there were dug the bigger lag they got.
  11. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Same as Furai. The game is almost unplayable for me now.
  12. bilbs

    bilbs Guest

    I've had lag before build 51, but it seems different now.
    Maybe I just wasn't lagging badly enough (lagging more now?) but my character shifting left and right as a result of lag is something completely new.
    I second this.
  13. Vania

    Vania Guest

    "I've had lag before build 51, but it seems different now."

    Yes, in every multiplayer game I have played there has been lag, but this is completely different:
    usually when you have lag you see other players teleporting around, but in this game, since build51, your own character teleports around. This is something I have never seen in a multiplayer game unless there's extreme packet loss.
  14. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    What does this do:
    global n_filechunk = 8192; // Max amount of file sent every packet (in bytes).
    It's server-side option or client-side? I think that it may be the cause of the latest lags but I'm not sure.
    It may not affect anything in the gameplay as well.
    Maybe changing this server-side (if it's a server-side option) to lower value, like 1kB (now it's 8kB), could improve things for servers 30+?
  15. nginferno

    nginferno Guest

    tbh, from my experience of playing, and from watching someone play, there are quite a lot of issues with the new patch. First there are the problems furai mentioned, and then my friend seemed to die in 1 hit every time he got hit by a certain player regardless of health. The other player said those are headshots but after the 8th time even i got suspicious. Are headshots really implemented?
  16. Gumball135

    Gumball135 Guest

    That's what I was wondering in my ''How much damage do Knight's do?'' thread.
    I have to say that the game definitely has become noticeably more laggy since the last update; players appearing to fall from ladders and then teleporting back to their original position, among other things, and I didn't notice this before the latest patch.
  17. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I know what I changed, I guess I'll revert to the old code to fix stuff. Didn't think it would break so much.
  18. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Yay new update. It seems to have fixed a lot of the old problems. Not so much jumpiness and I had a low ping (100-300) in one game! I went 40+ and 4 that game. However there were a lot of lame freezes, though they didn't affect gameplay too too much as far as I could tell. Probably only made me die once or twice. And then the server crashed, but that's a problem with the server?

    I had kind of high ping on the other servers but those were in Europe so that makes sense.