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[Linux] Server > segmentation fault to defines.cfg

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Clemo7, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. I've a Virtual Private Server (VPS), and i've installed on it the linux dedicated server of KAG
    I've do chmod for KAGdedi ...
    But if I do : ./KAGdedi
    It says:
    Game version 514
    Variable disable_seclevoutput has NULL type
    Precaching files...
    Precaching files.
      ...Precaching files.
    Loading config defines Scripts/defines.cfg
    Segmentation fault
    My Scripts/defines.cfg :
    ### Preprocessing Defines Config File ###
    # list of all defines - add them here for the preprocessor to parse them
        defines = gun_parameters; pumpgun_parameters; meleegun_parameters;
    # actual defines
        gun_parameters = initial_damage; muzzle_velocity; fire_rate; reload_time; accuracy; heaviness; maneuverability; steadiness; recoil_add; recoil_disipation; breath_sway; reliability;
        pumpgun_parameters = initial_damage; muzzle_velocity; pump_time; reload_time; accuracy; heaviness; maneuverability; steadiness; recoil_add; recoil_disipation; breath_sway; reliability;
        meleegun_parameters = initial_damage; hitscan_range; maneuverability; reliability;
    So, i need help.