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Linux Version [no sound]

Discussion in 'General Help' started by ACey_, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. ACey_

    ACey_ Catapult Fodder

    I'm on Linux (Ubuntu distribution) and I have a bug.
    I have no sound, I have a premium account and it's a shame to stay in this situation.

    It would be nice to fix the problem please. thank you

    PS: I regret that Soldat do not be multiplatform, but KAG he is, but I'm not as strong as on Soldat!
    - I apologize for the mistakes in this text, I am French and I translated with Google Translation.
  2. Machinista

    Machinista Shopkeep Stealer

  3. Poonchy

    Poonchy Tree Planter

    Bonjour, comment trouvez-vous ubuntu? Je voudrais passer a linux, mais je joue beaucoup de jeux sur Steam et je ne pense pas que plupart d'entre eux serait compatable.

    Sorry for my bad french, I only learn a bit from school