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Linux x32 10.10 Server Help

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by aquasheep, Dec 26, 2011.

  1. aquasheep

    aquasheep Bison Rider

    Ok, so I have tried to host a server on Linux with the IP and port 50301. I understand how to change the config files and have done so, but when I attempt to connect to that IP, it says "you have been disconnected because you are not logged into your account." I have logged into my account, though. I am using the restart script in the stickied thread on this forum. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong. I love KAG, and I really want to be able to host on it.

    ~ Aquasheep
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    a) localhost IP is (not 7)
    b) Direct connect on linux does not work (i.e via the "Connect to..." menu) , so you better try connecting via the server browser.
    c) Some people have had better luck by turning client authentication off (look for global sv_require_auth in /Base/Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm and set it to 0 ). This might disable Premium /Gold perks (atm, heads).
    d) If all else fails, drop by IRC and hopefully someone will help you.
  3. aquasheep

    aquasheep Bison Rider

    You, sir, are a champion. p_o

    Thank you so much! I will try this and see how it works.

    Ok, I tried that, and I am still getting the following error:

    KAG Bug.png

    I have tried changing the IP in dedicated_autoconfig.gm to, my local ip, my public ip, and my hamachi ip in addition to the auto-detection '0' ip in this screenshot. I have opened ports 50301-50308 on my router, and I have also submitted a bug report on Mantis, which is currently assigned. I apologize if posting on this forum is gratuitous given my bug report; I just thought that maybe it might help solve the problem.