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little bit of a problem

Discussion in 'General Help' started by doomslace, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. doomslace

    doomslace Catapult Fodder

    not sure if this has been posted about before ((checked around and couldn't see any thing about it)) but im having some problems with zombie fort. so far i've seen two issue's,

    -contact with zombies causes crash.
    -contact with people (the guys you can recruit) causes crash.

    any info on this would be nice, again not sure if this is a problem for every one or just me. also im running windows 7, 64

    (side note- i apologize for the title didn't read the little header till after i made this post)
  2. GrimWaltz

    GrimWaltz Shopkeep Stealer

    It's because of the recent new Build345.
    It kinda screwed up the gameplay. So we need to wait for a fix for that :p
    I think it will come soon. The 345Build just got uploaded yesterday, so I guess they will fix it soon.

    So for now, it's not your fault. :) Everyone's having this problem.
    Just give it some time. :)
  3. doomslace

    doomslace Catapult Fodder

    mkays! wasn't sure because i wasn't seeing any thing on it in the forum's. thank you for the help! :)
  4. GrimWaltz

    GrimWaltz Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah, on chat they were discussing it, and I had exactly the same problems and even more on multiplayer.
    We've only been having problems since this new build, so it will certainly be the developers first priority. :p

    As for now it's kind of unplayable, at least for me. :p
    So hang on there, I know what you're going trough. :p

    And you're welcome!
  5. doomslace

    doomslace Catapult Fodder

    lol x3 i just got the game today too lol guess i came in on a bad patch x3 lulz
  6. GrimWaltz

    GrimWaltz Shopkeep Stealer

    Oh, that sucks :p Hold on, it's a really awesome game. :)
  7. doomslace

    doomslace Catapult Fodder

    x3 lol will do! thank you ^^ :3