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Load a custom config?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by DUZ, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    How to load an custon config?

    I put the line admin configs = `Scripts/admin.cfg`; at the end of the dedicated_autoconfig.gm file but I think that isn't the right way, it don't load the commands inside (like rcon).
  2. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    Custom config?
    Do you mean a custom set of rules?
    A custom server setup?

    If you go into more detail I'm sure I can answer your question.
  3. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    autoconfig.gm = default config, sure?
    A custom config means that I can leave the default config intact.
    So, in a custom config I can have the same commands with another values.
    Example: rcon ******
  4. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    really don't understand what you are trying to do here.

    save the default dedicated_autoconfig.gm in a seperate folder as a backup. then just edit the global sv_rconpassword in the config you're using in dedicated_autoconfig.gm.
  5. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    You really never played other games like Counter Strike, Urban Terror, Enemy Territory or anything that let you make a custom config with your custom commands?

    Usually in the competitive scenery of some games, players create these custom configs, blablabla.cfg, admin.cfg, cpl.cfg, fps.cfg and don't put their "fingers" on the default configs.
  6. Strech

    Strech KAG Guard Tester

    It was really hard to understand what you were trying to do reading the first post.
    ...in dedicated_autostart.gm:
    Change that path.