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Windows Login/Authentication Server Problem

Discussion in 'General Help' started by EliteShinobi, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. EliteShinobi

    EliteShinobi Catapult Fodder

    Hi! I have had the game for quite a while now, I only just came back to it 2 days ago to see how it was doing (Excited about 1.0) It worked perfectly 2 days ago, apart from some very laggy servers, but now for some reason the Authentication Server keeps getting a 'Timeout reached' error. The exact error is "BCurl Error in get MyInfo(): Timeout was reached" I have been attempting to log in for over an hour now and it's an obvious problem, so I really need some help with it. Regarding re-install yada yada, I did that literally before I made this post, and that did not work.

    Thanks for any help! Regards, Ryan/Elite.