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Login bug.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by APV, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. APV

    APV Guest

    registered my account "APV". Using it I can login to the site kag2d.com, and begin to search for servers in the game but when I join a game, after a few seconds, I am being kicked from the game with message "not logged in" or similar.

    P.S. Sorry for my english, used translator.
  2. APV

    APV Guest

    Oops, this error occurred with the last update and occurred this morning. But now there is no more of this error and I can successfully play on the server. Sorry, you can close the topic.
  3. poe

    poe Shopkeep Stealer

    I think the issue is you don't automatically log in, in game when you launch from the website.