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Magnetic Destroying and others things in beta

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by bru-jaz, Dec 13, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Hi, im frustrated when i must place a ladder to reach higher blocks (both for my own blocks or enemie's) then im done with one block and so instead of keep destroing the one im clicking (right in the side of the one i was destroing) the "magnetic breaking" desing implemented in the beta HITS MY OWN LADDER. i stop hitting it, and go to the other one, BAM! other hit to my ladder ..and so on (3 hits to break it) And i fall!
    This magnetic system is really awkward, the same happens when braking something near to a spike, EVEN IF YOU ARE CLICKING ON THE BLOCk YOU WANT! no, because you are 1/2 block closer to your own spike it will smash it and dont regain the resource to remakeit. Its really annoying

    other short question

    I want to know if the image above is a bug or the developers replace the "green block" in the alpha when you cant continue building horizontaly with this pile of red blocks. If it isnt a bug i should say that the green one appears much more "finished version of the game" than this, that seems more like a tool in some edit modding. Same happen with the "far building position" red arrow.

    One more thing
    Why in beta, the gold emoticon doesnt apear any more? Also the "checked" and "wrong" one was really useful!
    i dont know why functional gameplay messages to the player appears to be less necesary than adding even more yellow faces that many of them express the same feeling!
    The emoticons im refering are:

    --- Ps: I know that im asking this in "suggestions and ideas" but in some way, this questions are a request to restore this 3 things like in the alpha. it would be better for playability
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 13, 2013, Original Post Date: Dec 8, 2013 ---
    Please, someone at least tell me i'm wrong or something. I saw the entire forum and there isnt a post without reply. Why is this such boring or annoying? It's awful that nobody said nothing.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  2. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    you're wrong.

    Joking, joking
    Ok, first things first, no one replied to your post because its long, and its only about a small issue.

    Your first paragraph can be shortened to:
    Why do I break spikes and ladders when my mouse is clearly on a block. It is very unintuitive, and I think it should be changed.

    People know what you are talking about, no need to spell it out for them.

    Next, I agree with you on block removal. Very annoying.

    The red blocks are very easy to understand. It doesn't look great, but it works.

    Agree with the tick and cross emoticons. I never really used the gold one though.

Mods: Rainbows