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Major problem with Linux Client - Important - and some solution

Discussion in 'General Help' started by kozak127, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. kozak127

    kozak127 Shipwright

    I recently downloaded KAG157x for Linux from official website.
    After update, game browser was empty - there was only official server with 0 players. My login and password was correct, because I was able to play this game on windows. On linux I could play only offline. I was trying to repair this almost two days.

    After that, I downloaded KAG124 for Linux from some unofficial download site. After update it finally works.

    I carefully studied terminal output and game config files. After that I realized, that version 157x was updated from kag2d.com, and version 124 was connected to dropbox.

    Distro: Xubuntu 11.04
    Everything patched and up-to-date. No issues with the system.
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    FUD or some weird xubuntu business. I just downloaded the linux client off kag2d.com ( http://kag2d.com/download/file/kag157x.tar.gz ) and tried to replicate this in a virtualised environment (Debian 6 on Virtualbox).

    The update was completed successfully, I could log in and see every server in the server browser.
  3. kozak127

    kozak127 Shipwright

    Maybe you are right, but Virtualised Environment is not exactly the same as real computer. Tomorrow I will try to run KAG157x on PC with standard Ubuntu 10.04. This is the most popular linux distro, so I think KAG for linux should be working flawlessly on it.

    I hope this is only matter of Xubuntu. From technical point of view, Xubuntu and Ubuntu are very similar - except graphic environment and some minor changes.
  4. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Right, not exactly the same? we're not talking about GPU/3D stuff, just running a binary, connecting and updating..i 'm pretty sure virtualisation in this respect in this day and age is pretty damn accurate. I forgot to mention it works on my non-virtualised ubuntu 11.04 too :p Either way, calling this a "Major Problem With Linux Client" when nobody else had similar issues is a bit alarmist..

    Are you 100% sure you didn't accidentally download the linux _server_ instead of the client?
  5. kozak127

    kozak127 Shipwright

    Ok, I surrender. On Ubuntu 10.04 it works too. I really don't understand why the newest version of KAG don't work on Xubuntu...
    Yes, I am 100% sure that I downloaded the linux_client. In addition, today I replicated this issue again on Xubuntu. Pretty weird.

    May I ask moderator of this section to change the name of this thread? Indeed I overdid with this. Fortunately, this is only Xubuntu matter.
    And maybe if someone has another weird or unpopular Linux distro, this solution will help.
    trelawney likes this.