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Make A KAB Trailer/Video [With Results]

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by Kouji, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Contest is Over for now. Results will be posted within a week at most.

    General Point of This Contest: Make a Trailer/Video of KAG Beta Gameplay. The person who makes the best video will receive 5 codes to give out to whoever they want. Winner will also get a custom title if they so wish. Second Place will get 3 codes and third will get 1. One additional code will be given out to the best post in this thread.

    Anyone is allowed to participate. If you are a free player and wish to particpate, you can still go to: http://kag2d.com/en/download and download the beta version. However you will only be able to use challenge mode (in single player) to make your video.

    1. No stealing other's people work
    2. No showing anything illegal
    3. Content shown must be BETA ONLY!
    4. Video must be at the very least 30 seconds and at most 3 minutes long.
    5. If you make a video, post it here. Once it is posted, it is finished, You may edit your video, however it must be done before the deadline.
    6. Upload in HQ
    7. No extensions. You'll have a month, it's your fault if you decide to do it last minute and are unable to complete it due to some unforeseen circumstance. NO EXCEPTIONS.
    8. Lastly, the following songs are banned (no excuses) from being used:
      • 009 Sound System - Dreamscape
      • Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away
      • Drowning Pool - Bodies
      • Finger Eleven - Paralyzer
      • 009 Sound System - With A Sprint
      • Dragonforce - Through The Fire And Flames
      • Rob Dougan - Clubbed To Death
      • Papa Roach - Last Resort
      • Fort Minor - Remember The Name
      • Clint Mansell - Requiem For A Dream AKA Lux Aeterna
    Criteria: All Video will be judged on the follow Criteria:
    • Is it interesting?
    • Is it interesting?
    • Is it interesting?
    • Is it interesting?
    In other words, feel free to do what you want. Make a story/comedic sketch/serious/whatever, as long as it's interesting. Videos will not be judged by popular vote, so liking a post won't affect judgement. It will be judged by a closed group of people.
    This contest will end August 31st, 2013 at 7:00 am GMT - 7. If you are too lazy to convert that to your own time:
    This gives you about a month to make a good video. Should be plenty of time for you guys.

    Atheon, Mulpy, Noburu and 15 others like this.
  2. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Will be edited as questions get asked. If you have a question, LOOK AT THIS POST FIRST BEFORE YOU ASK.

    Basically I don't care if you guys use this thread for discussing ideas, making criticisms or suggestions. I honestly won't care if you are somewhat off topic as long as it isn't spammy/completely irrelevant to anything previously discussed. If I simply find your post to be the most amusing post in this thread, you'll get a code. I won't be choosing until the end of the contest though, and spamming replies on this thread will hurt you more than help you.
    You have a month, it's plenty of time to upload a 30 sec - 3 minute video, no matter how slow your internet is. If you can't resolve any issues by then, then too bad, your fault for procrastinating.
    Sure I guess, but you'll have to take responsibility if you do anything wrong on that account. If you get them banned while playing on their account, don't bother asking for a ban appeal.
    Sure, However only 1 person will be allowed to post the video. If you do win, I will give the code to the person who posted the video. If you and your friend win third place, you'll still only be given one code. Do take note of that.
    Only one entry will be judged. You can make more, but only the one you select to be judged will matter. You can't use another account to upload a different video cause I'll know. I'm watching. However, you may work with a friend, and both of you may put up your own videos. That'll be considered 2 separate entries.
    Yes. Modding is a feature of Beta, so feel free to show it off.
    If youtube doesn't work for you, any other site that host videos is fine as a well (dailymotion, vimeo, etc). Just make sure it's nothing that's region specific only (obviously any site known for malware or charges for use is out of the question). If for some reason, that doesn't work for you, just PM it to me I guess I'll upload it myself.
    I personally don't care if the music is copyrighted or not. This isn't an official trailer or anything, it's your guys' fan trailer. However, if Youtube (which ever yideo hosting site you use) blocks/deletes your video because of a claim, then it's your fault. Additionally, if I (or any of the other people who will be judging this) can't see it because it's blocked due to regional copyright claims, general copyright claims, etc, then your video will disqualified. So basically, it's in your best interests to use music without copyrights to it, but I won't stop you if you don't.
    Noburu, Drusse, Aeroblitzer and 6 others like this.
  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    If anyone would like any pointers on software and basic editing techniques feel free to ask me.
    Atheon, Beepo and Shadza like this.
  4. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    im pretty far with it,

    it will probably suck though.
  5. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Another punch in the face for not having a good computer. Oh well.

    you can still record me playing for epic moments :*
    muh ego
    Atheon, Kingmit, Alpaca and 2 others like this.
  6. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin


    music credits to Rayne and Wilhelm

    yea it sucks :kappa:
    Atheon, Noburu, delankski and 5 others like this.
  7. i was planning to make a 3 min video with zombies from classic. is there a chance zombies will be released before this contest ends?

    lol "zombies will be released"
    Atheon and Beepo like this.
  8. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    I doubt that zombies (even as a mod) will be released before then.
    Atheon, Shadza and norill like this.
  9. Kazaco97

    Kazaco97 Bison Rider Global Moderator Forum Moderator

    I may have misunderstood one of the above rules so I'd like to ask a few questions:

    1. Can we have more than one entree?

    2. Can some variables of beta be altered for more effect, such as blood (ect.)

    Edit: Thanks for responding
    Atheon and Beepo like this.
  10. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    1.) No, just one entry per person. If you want to make a few vids, and get feedback, that's fine, but only one will be used for judging. (thanks for reminding me about this, was going to put that in rules but forgot)
    2.) Go ahead, modding is enabled in KAB (somewhat) and it's a feature of the game, so feel free to do so. (same with this)

    FAQ updated to reflect this.
    Atheon and Beepo like this.
  11. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Hmm...yes I believe I shall enter! Gonna record some today and I already have a good choice of music!
  12. Tylda

    Tylda Shopkeep Stealer

    Oh, I want title :D , lets see if my pc can handle this.
  13. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    so kouji, are those songs banned cause they're over used as fuck for trailer videos, because they're dramatic and cliche, or because you just don't like them?
  14. LucasTT

    LucasTT Haxor Tester

    probably first option
    how can anyone dislike through the fire and flames
    Atheon and Kouji like this.
  15. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    blow me a-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  16. Blanex

    Blanex Shark Slayer


    This is my trailer... i spend 2 hours in this. i hope you like it
    Atheon, Amoorax, Noburu and 11 others like this.
  17. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    It seem kinda buggy but good choice on the music, Assassin's Creed music trailer, so gewd. :)
  18. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I've noticed no one is making any comedic trailers. Laughing is good for you.
    Ghozt and Beepo like this.
  19. Guys, just thought I would mention this. I am currently working on a trailer my self. However it is going to take me a while. Hope you understand. But, my big concern, is the fact that I can't upload it to youtube. Would anyone here be willing to upload it for me, if I send it to them ?
    NotAPirate and Kingmit like this.
  20. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    just wait :D