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Making Floating Blocks/Bases

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kazaco97, Jun 25, 2013.

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  1. Kazaco97

    Kazaco97 Bison Rider Global Moderator Forum Moderator

    Category: KAG Client

    Operating system: Windows Vista

    Build number: 781

    Description: You can make floating blocks/base by running into a door next to a block

    Steps to reproduce(See images for better understanding)
    1. Build a stand (2 back wall up and a wood on top)
    2. Build out with wood
    3. Place a door, a brick on top of it and a block to the other side of the door
    4. Run against the door and break the block beneath the door.
    5. Your base if you chose to expand on it, will float.
    You of course can expand on the building on top, and actually build an airbase.
    Edit: Still works in Build 800
    Edit2: Still works in 808, but now with even larger bases because of sky bridge addition
    kaizokuroof, Apronymous and Beepo like this.
  2. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    This is fixed (unable to reproduce in build 844) - Locking thread - If you believe that this has been locked incorrectly, please contact me via PM or post a new report - thanks! :B): :thumbs_up:
    Kazaco97 likes this.
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