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making traps under halls

Discussion in 'Archive' started by kedram, Aug 8, 2013.

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  1. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    Server, Windows, build 840, you can once again take the floor tiles out of the halls and make spike or saw traps underneath making it extremely hard and unfair to win the game, i do not know how to reproduce this but i did see the enemy team using the exploit and tried to get in myself, i have no screen shots. i have an idea tho that the ladder glitch that is used to destroy even bedrock could have been used to do this. if not then maybe it was a drill they used
    amgtree likes this.
  2. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    use the template, like stated in a lot of bug reports
  3. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive


    Please format your reports as per this post: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/how-to-report-a-bug.13311/

    Your report is difficult to understand and you haven't included any screenshots (Which is fine, you'll just need to explain the issue clearly)

    From what I gather, the halls floor is being removed and replaced with saws or spikes underneath, essentially rendering that hall impossible to capture? I'll keep this thread open and wait your reply, however if you haven't responded in 7 days, I'll lock the thread and you will need to submit a new post if this is still and issue (following the format above)

    Thanking you! :B):
  4. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    I'll do it for you bae :^)

    Also kedram, this is still happening but please don't make a bug report of it, I already confirmed it on a thread I saw earlier.
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