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Map generator - hole

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Beo, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester


    I need map generator which generate flat map with hole in the middle (endless or not). There is a generator called generator_ctf_hole which was generating this map few builds back, but now it's not and i have no idea why. Anyone could help me?
  2. Machinista

    Machinista Shopkeep Stealer


    I'm using generator_ctf_hole on Amigos without any problems.... though, I have noticed that the hole does not appear if hole_height is at a value less 160 - might be map size dependent.

    I was experimenting with this value on a 150(w) x 100(d) map and found that a depth < 160 wouldn't generate a hole at all. Try tweaking it?
    Beo likes this.
  3. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    Yeah, it's working with hole_height > 170. Thank you very much. :B):