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Map loading problem.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Robinskie, May 16, 2012.

  1. Robinskie

    Robinskie Drill Rusher

    I am making a map generating program for KAG (a little Game Maker coding test).
    The program saves the map as a .png file.
    I open them in MS Paint (Windows 7) to add spawnpoints (wich are not generated in the program).
    I go to KAG and open the console in Deathmatch and use the /loadbitmap command.
    And then the map is generated with only bedrock! :huh?:

    Here is some logged stuff:

    [17:56:36] Config file not found ''
    [17:56:47] /loadbitmap \ARmaps\GenTest
    [17:56:47] *Restarting Map*
    [17:56:47] No respawn point found for runner (team 1)
    [17:56:47] New track added to mixer Sounds/Music/ambient_forrest.ogg
    [17:56:47] New track added to mixer Sounds/Music/ambient_cavern.ogg
    [17:56:47] New track added to mixer Sounds/Music/ambient_cavern_creatures1.ogg
    [17:56:47] New track added to mixer Sounds/Music/ambient_cavern_creatures2.ogg
    [17:56:47] New track added to mixer Sounds/Music/ambient_cavern_creatures3.ogg
    [17:56:47] New track added to mixer Sounds/Music/ambient_cavern_creatures4.ogg
    [17:56:47] New track added to mixer Sounds/Music/ambient_mountain.ogg
    [17:56:47] No respawn point found for runner (team 0)
    [17:56:50] No respawn point found for runner (team 1)
    [17:56:50] No respawn point found for runner (team 0)
    [17:56:52] *Match Started*
    [17:56:56] Player Henry left the game (players left 1)
    [17:56:56] *Restarting Map*

    Does it has something to do with the 'Config file not found'?

    And here is the .png file i used:

    Help plz! :huh?:

    EDIT: I solved it. :)
    I needed Paint.NET to save it as a 24bit PNG.

    Attached Files: