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Massive Ping Spikes and Shutdowns

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Contrary, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    After a bit of playing, maybe half an hour or so, sometimes my ping starts to spike really really high whenever I enter a room. It'll be average (200-300) for a couple seconds then it'll start escalating until I hit the ping cap and I get kicked. This'll happen a couple times but then I can't join at all I just get automatically disconnected.

    Also, physics calculations sometimes cause my computer to die.
  2. poe

    poe Shopkeep Stealer

    Ping is based on how long it takes you to contact the server.
  3. explodomac

    explodomac Guest

    Yeah I get the same thing, will be 200 - 300 all match then about 20 minutes in I'll be disconnected, I'm assuming for a huge random, yet momentary, ping spike. Could be a thing with my internet connection but it is frustrating, maybe there's a solution in that the cap could have to be held for a matter of seconds before being automatically booted rather than instantaneous (If that's how it works)
  4. Vania

    Vania Guest

    Same thing happens to me... a huge spike that gets me disconnected like every 20 minutes.
  5. bluntis

    bluntis Guest

    Happens to everyone I think. Sometimes i can play for an hour or a bit more without it happening, but it always comes eventually.... also usually it wont let me back in the same game for awhile. This might just be me but often when it happens the game will freeze for a min or two. There is definitely something wrong with the game that needs to be fixed in this aspect.
  6. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    There is a memory leak in the server. I suspect that causes some overload problems after a couple hours of playing.
  7. Kanye

    Kanye Guest

    I can last about 10 to 15 seconds in a game before being kicked for high ping, even in servers that are hosted very close to me. I don't know why, but the game is unplayable until this issue is fixed. I can join servers in other countries on basically every other game I own without being disconnected for high ping. This is the only game that does it.
  8. Solomon-Grundy

    Solomon-Grundy Shopkeep Stealer

    Me too. I just got kicked after a major spike and now can't get back on a server. Was totally in the thick of things after playing for a couple hours. trashing a vault(!) that the other team had built... Really brutal bug. Please fix. This has happened to me before. I basically get shut out of the game. :(
  9. Solomon-Grundy

    Solomon-Grundy Shopkeep Stealer

    Just happened again. 3 nights in a row. :(