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Match Ended. (Unfixed)

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Chumind, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    [19:27:40] Variable g_sort has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable g_filterplayerlower has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable g_filterplayerupper has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable g_filtergold has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable g_filterpass has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable g_filtermode has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable m_generator has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable auth_remember has NULL type
    [19:27:40] * Config loaded from 'Scripts/config.gm'
    [19:27:40] Variable v_showminimap has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable v_postprocess has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable v_fastrender has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable v_drawhud has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable g_smallhud has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable g_fixedcamera has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Creating video device...
    [19:27:40] Checking driver support...
    [19:27:40] Initializing new video device...
    [19:27:40] Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0-alpha
    [19:27:40] Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    [19:27:40] Variable cc_key_team has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable cc_killfeed has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable u_showpremium has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable u_agreedterms has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Joystick support is enabled and 0 joystick(s) are present.
    [19:27:40] Variable s_system has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable sv_ipv6 has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable sv_register has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable sv_preferAF has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable sv_enableIPv6 has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable sv_require_auth has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable cl_clantag has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable cl_sex has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable cl_head has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable cl_hat has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Variable auth_key has NULL type
    [19:27:40] Precaching files...
    [19:27:40] ...Precaching files.
    [19:27:40] Loading config defines Scripts/defines.cfg
    [19:27:40] Creating world from file ''
    [19:27:40] Loading names from Scripts/NameGen_OldEnglish.cfg...
    [19:27:40] Server created on 0:50303
    [19:27:55] Server is identified as to the API as
    [19:27:55] Loading security from Base/Security/securitysetup.cfg
    [19:27:55] Whitelist inactive.
    [19:27:55] Loading blacklist from Base/Security/blacklist.cfg
    [19:27:55] Blacklist empty.
    [19:27:55] Config file not found 'Security/seclevs.cfg'
    [19:27:55] Loading security levels from Security/seclevs.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading default security levels
    [19:27:55] name: Rcon
    [19:27:55] users:
    [19:27:55] roles: rcon;
    [19:27:55] commands: ALL;
    [19:27:55] features: admin_color; always_change_team; ban_immunity; editor; join_full; kick_immunity; map_vote; mark_any_team; mark_player; name_mouseover; pingkick_immunity; silent_rcon; skip_votewait; spectator; view_collapses; view_console; view_rcon;

    [19:27:55] name: KAG Staff
    [19:27:55] users:
    [19:27:55] roles: kagstaff;
    [19:27:55] commands: ban; banhost; banid; freezeid; help; kick; kickhid; kickhost; kickid; list; listbans; login; msg; nextmap; players; restartmap; swapid; unban; unbanhost; unfreezeid;
    [19:27:55] features: always_change_team; ban_immunity; join_full; kick_immunity; map_vote; mark_any_team; mark_player; name_mouseover; pingkick_immunity; skip_votewait; spectator; view_collapses; view_rcon;

    [19:27:55] name: Guard
    [19:27:55] users:
    [19:27:55] roles: guard;
    [19:27:55] commands: ban; banhost; banid; freezeid; help; kick; kickhid; kickhost; kickid; list; listbans; login; players; swapid; unban; unbanhost; unfreezeid;
    [19:27:55] features: always_change_team; join_full; map_vote; mark_any_team; mark_player; name_mouseover; pingkick_immunity; skip_votewait; spectator; view_collapses;

    [19:27:55] name: Normal
    [19:27:55] users:
    [19:27:55] roles:
    [19:27:55] commands: help; list; login;
    [19:27:55] features: map_vote; mark_player; spectator;

    [19:27:55] Server activated.
    [19:27:55] Loading game rules from Rules/CTF/gamemode.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loaded team 0 'GUI/emblem1.png'
    [19:27:55] Loaded team 0 class 0 'GUI/builder_icon.png'
    [19:27:55] Loaded team 0 class 1 'GUI/knight_icon.png'
    [19:27:55] Loaded team 0 class 2 'GUI/archer_icon.png'
    [19:27:55] Loaded team 1 'GUI/emblem2.png'
    [19:27:55] Loaded team 1 class 0 'GUI/builder_icon.png'
    [19:27:55] Loaded team 1 class 1 'GUI/knight_icon.png'
    [19:27:55] Loaded team 1 class 2 'GUI/archer_icon.png'
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Bison.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Greg.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Migrant.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Skeleton.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Wraith.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Zombie.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/ZombieKnight.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Effects/Light.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Boulder.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Crate.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Keg.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Lantern.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Rope.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/TreasureChest.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Managers/ZombieDirector.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/CTF_Room.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/FullCTF_Room.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/Portal.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/Sandbox_Room.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/Zombie_Room.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Structures/Door.cfg...
    [19:27:55] Loading blob config from Entities/Structures/Pulley.cfg...
    [19:27:56] *Match Ended*
    [19:27:59] Server variables can be changed in Base/Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm (by default)
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Try a clean install. I have the same problem right now.