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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by KingXandercosm, Mar 29, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    Greetings! I am the great KingXandercosm! This shall be my first posteth! ​


    Mines are wonderful! I fell in love with them the second I laid my eyes upon one! I grabbed it and excitedly and placed it upon the rooftop of my base. The battle drew on and my team was losing... Suddenly, an enemy bomb-jumped into our base! He proceeded to jump on the mine with his shield, blowing up a huge chunk of our base. After that, he was free to go in and take victory!

    This upset me... The mine that I had payed many a coin for was used against me... How unjust! I could not let this go. So I have some suggestions which I believe shall improve the use of mines for all:

    1. I later found that mines are generally more useful for the other team than your own. This is because, not only can you use them against someone's flag room/hall but to bomb-jump past a wall, blow up people on the team who placed them and basically use it in all ways possible against the poor team that owns the it. I have had my fair share of fun with enemy mines myself, but I still don't like the way they work. So, I think that the enemy should not be able to jump very high at all when shielding against them.

    2. I also think that they should do a lot of damage through a shield. This is because basically anyone can see a mine and easily shield from it, making them nearly useless if you want to deal damage to the enemy.

    3. Now I will go back to the point of them being easily sighted. They are huge and very ineffective at hiding themselves which makes it so that the enemy barely has to look to stay safe from them. I think that they should be much smaller but still keep the same hitbox (which is supposed to be the whole point of mines. In fact, you're not supposed to see them at all, but I'm not asking for that much...).

    This is just a suggestion. I feel it would add a very interesting "watch your step" game mechanic...

    - KingXandercosm
    zerd likes this.
  2. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    You can hide them behind dead bodies/in tree foliage/underground/etc.

    Honestly they're more useful as mini-kegs, putting one on an enemy structure and throwing an enemy body at it.

    I wish they didn't break so easily from falling, shield penetration would be nice at super close range. (Since you can already break mines with your sword o_o')
    Guitarman likes this.
  3. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    Dead bodies go away after a short amount of time. And, once the battle really heats up any green that was previously thriving is usually destroyed by bombs, swords, kegs, etc...

    Another thing is that I think you shouldn't be able to break them with your sword. I find that whenever I place a mine in the enemy base it's quickly slashed apart by a random guy. It makes them even more under-powered.

    I just hate to see such a cool weapon have such horrible effects. Other than the water bomb it may be the worst weapon that a knight can use...

    In fact, that just got me thinking... Archers have possibly been over-balanced with knights. Bombs break a single block at most. Bomb arrows break tons of blocks and kill enemies much easier than bombs. Archers have fire arrows and water arrows. But knights just have mines and water bombs (both of which are nearly useless. In fact, water bombs are even more useless than bombs, yet they cost 10 coins more)... I guess knights have kegs, though...

    It's hard for me to say this since knights are my favorite but sometimes I just feel like archers have become a little overbalanced...
  4. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Not to turn this into an archer discussion, but...

    >Bomb arrows do less damage to players than bombs (2.5 hearts, bombs do 3)
    >They are a little too strong against blocks, however (They destroy blocks in a 3x3 area, with the bomb arrow as the centre of that area, bombs damage blocks in a large radius, instantly destroy them in a + shape around the bomb)
    >They cost as much as 2 and a half bombs
    >Kegs are more cost-effective
    >Knights can block all archer special ammo, even water ammo now (unless it's a direct hit)
    >Knights oneshot all other classes, the only class an archer can one-shot is another archer
    >Archer takes more skill than knight at top level

    IMO, the only thing overpowered about archers currently is bomb ammo, the block damage should be the same as a normal bomb, and the price should be either reduced, or you get two/purchase.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2014
  5. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    Ah, I don't play as archer so I didn't know some of the specifics. That makes a little more sense now... But back to the original topic!
  6. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    Mines are for builders, even though they are bought in knight shop.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 1, 2014 ---
    I suggest making bushes avaliable in nursery.
  7. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    You'd have to suggest that a nursery be availible in the first place.

    But yeah, more damage resistance in general is needed for mines.
  8. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    Duck you, KAG $taff.
Mods: Rainbows