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Windows Minimap Display

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Derschlact, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Derschlact

    Derschlact FIRE AT WILL! Donator

    I am currently having a problem with the minimap(obviously).
    Whenever a block is placed, it appears not in the exact position on the map, but aligned off to the left and upwards. If I join a server, and the blocks are already placed, those particular blocks are shown correctly, but any further constructions are very hard to try to pinpoint on the map. I will absolutely not disable the map, as I use it all the time, for pathfinding through the enemy base.
    A short time ago, when I still used Linux, I never had this problem.

    Here you can see that instead of the map showing that I am inside my tower(in a door), I am apparently standing in a relatively open field and the tower is magically floating at the upper left of where it really is on the map.


    Here, i am now standing on my tower. Map shows I'm floating, bla bla bla, etc.
    However, when I look to the left, you can see there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THERE.

    Console log from today, when I tried to test the map again(even though I don't think they might be useful here)