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Minor keyboard issues (+/- not working)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by hexalslug, Apr 12, 2012.

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  1. hexalslug

    hexalslug Bison Rider

    The first thing is more related to the game itself, i'm unable to vote for next map with - and +. The current build thread said that was was fixed for mac but it still doesn't work for me.

    The second thing is my [a] key on my keyboard doesn't work, so I copy an "a" and paste one whenever I need it. This has worked fine for KAG too since I got it, but it seems the most recent build has removed this capability. What need is there to remove copy and pasting? and is there a way to change it back?

    I know I know, "get a new keyboard". but i'm as lazy as I am poor.

  2. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    i use mac too but 'A' works for me... so I'm guessing its probably a problem tithe ur mac...
    and.. I'm having the same problem with voting
  3. hexalslug

    hexalslug Bison Rider

    With the [a] key I meant that it physically doesn't work from spilling stuff on it :D but I sorted that problem anyway with a key remapper.

    I've just reported the -+ keys not working as a bug since that's more where it should go.

    Edit - Trelawney Added link to bugtracker and locking this wonderful thread.
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