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Mod Example Suggestion no. 2 (Die2Nite)

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by metalcallous, Apr 20, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. metalcallous

    metalcallous Shipwright

    After our dear developers have showed off the possibilities of the top-down Shipwrekt with the KAG engine it made me start thinking. I have no skills of coding or modding; and barely have currency of time to learn them but I just thought of several possibilities for a mod.

    Defend Til Light
    -Inspired by the game Die2Nite a browser based cooperative game where 40 players try to survive in a zombie infested area for as long as they can. In Defend Til Light, you'll be forced alongside 10-20 others into building up a town and surviving wave after wave of zombies while also keeping in mind the bare necessities of life, water and food.

    1. Top down perspective just like shipwrekt, but this time its set on an apocalyptic desert and plays similar to zombie fortress of KAG. The year is 2000-something, civilization has ended as the undead have risen.
    2. The map is large, and focuses on a lonely town at the center or semi-center where all players initially start out.
    3. The town is the sole refuge for the 10-20 people currently playing.
    4. There is a day and night cycle. With 6 minutes each. Which means a day is 12 minutes and a game hour means 5 days.
    5. Zombies will arrive day by day, and at night they will assault the town as a horde before dispersing upon dawn.
    6. Players or survivors are prone to thirst and to a lesser extent, hunger. Day to day they must scavenge in the desert for food and water as well as building material to shore up the town walls as well as find other unique items that'll help in survival.
    7. Players goal is to survive for as long as they can, once the game ends, a pop up will appear showing how long the town lasted and other stats. Take a screenshot and share to others your achievement.

    The Town
    1. The refuge, all players spawn here at the start of the map only. It roughly has the size of a 20 by 20 block perimeter.
    2. The town has a modest wooden wall around it with a iron blocks as corners.
    3. The town has a wooden gate,the sole entry and exit point of the town (unless the survivors decide to make a new one). The gate has a control lever to open and close it.
    4. At the center of the town is a core, survivors can change classes here (more on this later). Survivors can bring blue prints here to discover building designs.
    5. There are several storage shops in the town:
    - a storage for raw material: wood and iron(stone) and rare gold. When scavengers place wooden planks or wrought iron here, they're converted to 50 wood and iron respectively. The lesser versions rotten log and scrap iron yield 20 only.
    - a storage for weapons: which has 2 interaction points, a storage and craft options. It can store unlimited amount of weapons and weapons parts. To craft, opens up a menu of all weapons that can be crafted and the parts needed.
    - a food storage: whatever meagre expired foods or unknown meats you find you can choose to share by storing it here. You can also store waterskins here as well as looted jerry cans.
    - a miscellaneous storage: that'll hold other items useful or not that you can find out there. Some might be useful for constructing certain shops.
    6. Has about 6 bed mats wherein survivors can sleep for 3 mins (absolute) that'll fully restore their health upon completion.
    7. The town also has a town well. Where players can take and add water from. By taking water you'll spawn a waterskin. It initially starts out with 25 units of water, so the town must learn to ration water

    The Survivors
    1. Survivors have 4 health and have thirst and hunger levels.
    2. A player can survive for 24 mins without water. Their thirst is quenched fully by drinking a waterskin (which carry one unit of water). However if the player goes out to the desert, their water loss accelerates. When the thirst level has reached its end, the player dies.
    3. Similarly a player can survive without food for 24 mins as well, but unlike water, its loss is not accelerated by going out to the desert. Eating also regenerates 1 heart of health. Hunger can be filled by eating any food found. When a person is hungry, they will not die, but will have their movement speed halved.
    4. When a player dies he will respawn in 60 seconds on the outskirts of the map.
    5. A survivor can carry 4 items in his inventory or 1 large item. The player can always carry an item in his hands but he couldn't doing anything else while holding it.
    6. A player can change to 3 different classes: scavenger, builder, guardian
    -scavenger: the scavenger has a scouting role and has a sprint ability for short bursts of 4 seconds and recharges in 6 seconds. While other classes can only view and zoom in, the scavenger can zoom out for a larger view.
    -builder: the builder is the only one that can lay down tiles and build shops.
    -guardian: the fighter, he is equipped with a riot shield and gains a 5th heart slot. The riot shield blocks a strike in a a 90 degree arc to wherever the shield is facing. Multiple strikes however will overpower and stun the guardian

    The Undead and Night Sieges
    1. Zombies are already present at the start the map, usually congregating on areas of interest.
    2. Every dawn new zombies appear on the edge of the map as well as on areas where zombies are already present.
    3. Zombies have 5 health, while the survivors can punch them for 1/2 health damage, the zombie on punching back does 1 damage.
    4. Zombies have a certain detection range which is roughly 7 tiles, when it gets activated and they notice you, it increases to 14 tiles as. They chase you, reverting back to 7 if they lose sight of you.
    5. On daylight they are slow moving, moving at half the speed than survivors, survivors can lead them in circles.
    6. At night, some unknown force, changes the zombies and they will gain full movement speed and making the aggressive. At night they will run straight for the town besieging it, ensure that the gates are closed by then.
    7. They will try to break through the walls and gates then hunt down survivors, they have pathfinding AI as well. If they break through the gates and no survivors remain inside the town by dawn then the game is lost and the map changes to the next one.
    8. Zombies damage wood and iron walls slowly, when there are a lot of zombies stacked up, the lead zombie becomes more aggressive attacking faster.
    9. When dawn arrives, all the surviving zombies for the next 1 minute will run away from the town in the opposite direction, dispersing as much as they can. For the rest of the day they will try to spread out from each other as much as they can. At the same time, as mentioned, zombies will start appearing on the edges of the map and on special locations in the map.
    10. The survivors' job therefore is to ensure the defenses and walls are well built to survive the onslaught. Fighting the zombies hand to hand is suicide without weapons, and even so, weapons require resources.
    11. Zombies actually have a special weakness: water. Water guns will kill zombies in 1 hit, but remember, water is to be rationed.

    The Desert and Scavenging
    1. After the zed apocalypse and the resultant nuclear retaliation, much of whats left are desert and ruins.
    2. 10 tiles away from the town walls, players will begin to suffer extreme heat during the day. Walking while under the effects of the desert heat means that water loss is accelerated 4 times as long as the person is walking. The water loss rate returns to normal when standing still or when its night. Which means it is advisable to carry water if you're venturing into the desert.
    3. Sprinkled throughout the desert are "scavenge points" represented by a debris. Scavenge points are far from each other and the usual map will have roughly have 100 of these. By interacting with it, the survivor searches it for the next 10 seconds - immobilized. Once it gets completed the survivor has chance to get a random item be it the construction materials: wooden plank or wrought iron; food and water; or other items., even very rare blueprints to unlock buildings. There is also a chance that you don't get items. The farther away the scavenge point, the better the finding chance.
    4. Scavenge points can get exhausted, probably after 20-30 searches. The icon turning into a lesser "used up image", you can still search here, but it'll only give you the chance to yield low grade construction material such as scrap iron and rotten logs.
    5. The maps will also have about 5-7 building ruins. Shaped into broken walls, from abandoned homes, offices, or shops, crashed supply trucks. At the center of these ruins is a special salvage point. Searching it yields rarer material, most likely items, weapon parts or food. All ruins will have a guaranteed 1 blue print.
    6. The ruins however have a higher density of zombies around it, and zombies who are led away from it, will try to slowly return to it once they lost whoever they are chasing.
    7. Scavenging is the only way to gain resources to build up defenses and walls as well as resources to get ever important water and food.
    8. By dusk 5:30 minutes on the day, scavenge points will gain another option when interacted to. "Camp" allows the the player to hide in that salvage point for the rest of the night after 10 seconds of interacting with it. Zombies that pass 5 tiles near will have a chance of detecting the hiding survivor. The chance is at 5% and increases by 5% for every successive zombie that passes by. Only one survivor can hide in a point at one time. Camping expeditions allow the player to reach farther flung areas and maximize scavenging.

    ~The reason for the 10 second scavenging is to simulate searching, as well as making the player vulnerable and thus it is risky to search if there are a lot of zombie nearby, better to clear it first or have a buddy distract them.

    1. At the beginning the builders can only build iron blocks, wooden blocks, wooden doors, torches and ladders. As well as private chests extra bed mats
    - in a top down perspective, ladders allow players to climb on top of blocks, meaning players can climb walls.
    - private chests are a bit expensive, costing iron and wood. They hold 6 items and can be linked to one person, it'll be locked to everyone else. However, about 150 punches to it will make break open, or use a loo ted lock pick on it for 10 seconds, meaning people can steal from it.
    2. Blueprints allow unlocking the construction of shops or special defenses. Aside from the required resources, it takes 10 seconds to construct shops. Shops are 3x2 buildings and costs vary from 150 wood and iron to the expensive 300s, and sometimes require rare items.
    Blueprint examples
    - Workshop - by bringing scrap metal and rotten logs here, and spending 15 seconds interacting with it, the player will "refine" the item into its wrought iron and wooden plank versions.
    - Kitchen - not all food are edible, some are even poisonous. However if you cook any food in the kitchen , it'll turn into edible food.
    - Spike trap - allows builders to construct the spike trap. Spike traps are built per block and will impale 1 zombie before becoming useless. During the day, players can interact with this to "remove body" and make the spike trap useful again.
    - Ballista - wood and iron expensive. Built on an elevated platform, meaning it requires a ladder to be accessed, the ballista fires bolts that take down one zombie, if it misses it lands on the ground, and can be picked up and loaded again. Extra bolts can be built on the weapon shop using wood to build it.
    - Well Extension - costs nothing but allows the survivors to interact with the well and "dig" for 10 seconds. After 45 digs, digging will be complete and the well is extended, adding a load of water.
    ---1st extension, adds 25 units of water
    ---2nd extension, adds 20 units of water
    ---3rd extension ,adds 15 units of water
    - Water Run Off Catcher - this shop system saves droplet accumulation from the well and throughout the town. While not drinkable, it can be used to load your water pistols and water guns.
    - Farm plot - costs some wood, some water and scavenged vegetables. This'll turn into a plot. It takes 30 second to "till and farm" then a tilled farm plot will yield 2-4 pieces of vegetables on the next day.
    - Zombie Bait - requires some wood and any food. Upon activation, hopefully before the attack, the zombie bait will attract all zombies in a 15 tile radius. Zombies will proceed to attack its 15 hearts until it gets destroyed.
    - Gibber - this expensive 3x6 construct is passable by zombies and survivors. Once a zombie enters it, it triggers in 3 seconds and shreds anyone (zombie or survivor) standing on the gibber, with a possible chance of leaving behind inedible or edible meat. The gibber reloads for the next 1 minute before firing again. Zombies do not recognize the gibber as a building and hence ignore and don't damage it.
    - Spotting tower - a shop that when accessed lets the player go on spectator mode without killing himself, he'll be just standing in the shop while spectating the map.
    - Clinic - this shop has a limited use of 10 medicines, one medicine will fully heal a person. Useful in later days when a wounded person needs to get healed quickly without having to go sleep.
    - Item Catapult - instead of delivering supplies to far expeditions, a genius managed to get the idea to just launch them there. Requires a looted rubber band, wood and iron. Players can load up to 4 items on the catapult and fire it. When firing it, the player goes on spectator mode and precisely selects the plot where the items will land. The catapult only has 10 uses before. The rubber band has lost its strength.
    - Improvised claymore - more like some spring loaded pebbles, this single tile block which costs some iron, will launch a spread of rock in a 120 degree arc to its front whenever a zombie stands close. It's single use and the block disappears once its activated. It will obliterate a group of zombies.
    -others more...

    - at the start, players can craft wooden clubs on the weapons shop, which costs some wood, wooden clubs deal one damage. A guardian with a a wooden club can stand toe to toe with a zombie, but it is still dangerous if the player doesn't time his blocks and strikes correctly.
    - water pistols must be loaded with a water skin, giving you three shots. Aim well for water is precious. One hit will kill a zombie outright.
    - super soakers are large toy water guns, that needs some parts to be constructed, it holds 5 shots for one water skin.
    - knives and machetes can be found throughout the map, rare though. Knives do 2 damage but has a short range, meaning you risk being punched/clawed back if you attack with it. A machete has a similar range to a club, but does 2 damage.
    - a looted sledgehammer, has a long range and kills a zombie instantly, it requires the player to hold his attack akin to knights holding LMB for slashing. After the swing it'll stun the player for a half second.
    -others more.

    There are a lot of things that can be found in the desert, from food to weapon parts. Jerry cans that come with 3-6 water. Food crates that carry 2-3 food. Etc.

    Coordination and Mistrust
    1. The survivors must evenly divide their efforts from building to scavenging to clearing zones of zombies.
    2. They must also take keep in mind their food and water stocks to survive.
    3. At the town center are 3 message boards, anyone can interact with it and write down messages or instructions.
    4. Try to assign a gate keeper role.
    5. Sometimes there are some uncooperative people or outright griefers. The town can vote to outcast him. With 50% votes, the person is outcasted, they turn into scavengers classes and are switched to the outcast team. For the duration of the map, the outcast's IP is linked which means if he logs out, and logs back in, he'll still be an outcast. The survivors can attack him and vice versa. Often times the outcast is shunned from the town, and must survive for himself. Outcasts can create hidden stashes on scavenge points. Living as an outcast is hard, but not impossible.

    -games will usually last for 1-2 hours, roughly 10 days, as zombies increase their appearance rate as the days go by and on the 3rd, 6th and 9th days, a horde surge can happen. Zombie appearance rates are tied to the number of players in the server. Meaning the difficulty tamps up ad per the number players in the server.
    - expect that by day 3 you'll have about 125+ zombies bearing down around your town.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
    Aeroblitzer likes this.
  2. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Dude, seriously, put these in mod requests >>'

    The suggestions subforum is supposed to be used for suggestions to do with vanilla KAG
    bobotype and Apronymous like this.
  3. metalcallous

    metalcallous Shipwright

    Oh my, apologies XD I just got swept with that shipwrekt suggestions that was posted in this same forums as well, I'll copy the 2 suggestions over the mod requests.
Mods: Rainbows