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More bots in Deathmatch

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Robinskie, May 28, 2012.

  1. Robinskie

    Robinskie Drill Rusher

    Is there any way to spawn more bots in Offline Deathmatch?
    I looked in the Base\Rules\Swordfight folder but I couldn't find something.
  2. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Mm I think they spawn indefinitely over time, so you could get a lot of bots if you don't kill them.
  3. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    They stop spawning when you get around 9 Knights and 1 Archer. And it's called Death Match now.
  4. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Put this is in the command screen:
    addBotX( team, class, name );

    So something like:
    addBotX( 1, 1, "Lancelot" );
    will spawn an archer on team red with name lancelot.

    You get at the command screen when hitting the Home button.
  5. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Sorry for the weird spoilers they are acting weird!

    Bookmark posted this:

    Here is my how-to (with analysis) on summoning bots using rcon:

    /rcon addBotX( 0, 0, `Name` );

    The syntax (or whatever):
    addBotX( [team], [class], `[name]` );

    The team is either 0 or 1 for blue or red; respectively.
    Class can be 0, 1, or 2 for builder,knight, or archer; respectively.

    Classes that are greater than 2 loop around; 3 is builder, 4 is knight, etc.. (I wouldn't do this though because it might cause problems)
    It's recommended to make only archer bots because they are the least derpy and are good to practice with. Builders and knights are extremely crippled because they don't build or slash. Rarely or if at all.

    Names can have spaces like 'George Bush' and can be as long as you'd like. However, it's recommended that you don't put spaces because you can't kick them by name; you'll have to kick by their ID.

    That's all. Enjoy the bot summoning. And remember: they take up a slot on the server.

    If done properly it should look like the following:
    /rcon addBotX( 0, 2, `Jesus` );

    This will spawn a bot named Jesus on blue team [0] that is an archer [2]. That semicolon is required at the end.

    This topic used to be stickied but not anymore: It is actually in server help now. (HERE) HERE is the thread I am talking about and where I got this great tutorial from Bookmark.

    Another useful way to do this is as follows:
    Search up 'sword' in your KAG folder, typically found in your C: drive.
    Open the GM file with a notepad editing program.
    In this should be a list with Henry's with 'sleep' in-between some of them, here is a customized one:

    addBotX( 1, 2, "Kay" );
    addBotX( 1, 0, "Lancelot" );
    addBotX( 1, 2, "Gawain" );

    If you want them to spawn them all instantly take away the 'sleeps' as so.
    addBotX( o, 0, "Lancelot" );
    addBotX( 1, 2, "Gawain" );

    Now, the first number is which team, 0 is blue and 1 is red. The second number is which class. Then the name is inside the speech marks.
    </br>--- merged: May 29, 2012 1:16 AM ---</br>
    Now that I think about it, there should be a way of having the ability to change the amount of bots from 'team1' and 'team2' files, people with a basic knowledge go there and no farther, also, maybe simplifies, but that isn't to important, mainly being able to add bots within the 'team1' and 'team2' files.
    Rayne likes this.
  6. Robinskie

    Robinskie Drill Rusher

    Ok thanks :) I will try this stuff out.