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More verbose and complete RCON output

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by hierbo, Nov 20, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. hierbo

    hierbo Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Hey everyone!

    I'm just full of crap ideas today! As some of you may be aware, I run a number of servers for King Arthur's Gold. I greatly prefer to manage them with the RCON telnet function, as it is really the only way to see more than one server at a time.

    A problem I have noticed, though, is that there is a great deal of information in the game client that does not appear to be accessible from there. Some big examples of content I would classify as "missing" include the following:
    - Current team of each player
    - The subject of votes called by players
    - Players' Steam and/or KAG name (not sure which one is missing, but it is one of them)
    - Ability to output to a permanent log file
    - More reliable password support (sometimes it requires a password, sometimes not, with no rhyme or reason I can see)
    - Command history buffer to repeat recently used commands

    That's about it. Some of these functions may just by something I've missed; if so, please let me know how to do them.

    I realize that the game is not entirely complete, and this type of functionality is probably on the back burner until all of the gameplay is finalized, but I feel its at least worth mentioning. We're flying pretty blind when not logged in via the KAG client. If anyone else has any other ideas or feedback, please chime in!
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2013
Mods: Rainbows