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Most Recent Build now Crashes on Startup

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Waave, Dec 3, 2011.

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  1. Waave

    Waave Shipwright

    I just purchased premium, as my friends and I have been enjoying the free version for a while now. I open the EXE to check out whats new and, oh look, an update. Pretty exciting. I run the game after it finishes and, oh look, doesn't work. A bit of Googlan, forum looking-upan, reintallan and ragean later and still no answer. I could run it fine before the update.

    I haven't seen an answer yet for people with similar problems, and I was wondering if there is anything I can do or am I going to have to wait for the new update?
  2. i have the same problem. I use a Mac os x and play the game through winebottler. They should have though about this build more before releasing it, as its caused more problems than it has solved.
    trelawney likes this.
  3. Waave

    Waave Shipwright

    I really hope this isn't going to turn into Minecraft-type deving (just thought of that because of your sig). I like updates, but I like polished updates that work for everyone more.
  4. agreed, and its not going to turn into minecraft-type deving.
  5. Classik

    Classik Shipwright

    Same problem. I crash on Windows XP SP3 during launch. I need my KAG fix! This is the first game I have really gotten into in a while!
  6. Waave

    Waave Shipwright

    Yeah, this is the only game my friends aren't TOTAL tools on (so far), not to mention this game is amazing anyway.
  7. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    It's odd how some people are getting the crash on startup (Minus Non-Windows OS people) As I'm playing on Win7 and it's working like a charm...
  8. O, really strange. I thought this happens only on XP. Anyway, I still think KAG in this state should be downdated to 203.
  9. Salted

    Salted Bison Rider

    Woah, this is something new. Now even Win 7:(

    EDIT: oh Waave, i can see that you don't have SP1. Other win 7 users don't have problems. Try installing it
  10. Waave

    Waave Shipwright

    Really, is that the only fix? Slow down my computer by 70%, or play KAG? I think I might just wait until the new update, the Service Packs are garbage.

    Although, it's good that you posted this for anyone who wants to fix it this way.
  11. GAZ082

    GAZ082 Shipwright

    I've also got a crash on Linux x64, this is what i get after loading it in the console:

    [0] Variable u_agreedterms has NULL type
    Game version 228
    [0] Precaching files...
    Precaching files.
    [0] ...Precaching files.
    [0] Loading config defines Scripts/defines.cfg
    [0] Creating world from file ''
    [0] *Match Ended*
    [0] Autostart: doing nothing
    [0] Config loaded from autostart.gm
    No entity file ../Cache/entity.dat.[92]
    [92] *** RCON password is not set, you won't be able to remotely administrate the server
    [92] ********* WARNING *********
    [92] sv_allow_globals_mods is set to 1. This means GLOBAL GUARDS AND ADMINS can administer your server and kick players to help prevent griefing. If you do not accept this, please turn this variable to 0.
    [92] Server variables can be changed in Base/Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm (by default)
  12. ltdlima

    ltdlima Shipwright

    I am experiencing the very same problem with Ubuntu11.10 in 32bit.​
    The complete terminal output after running ./KAG from console is gathered in the appended file "log.txt"​
    Do not mind that the user name is altered to "user" I did this deliberately by hand.​
    Very sad to experience this bug at the first time I wanted to try the game - it looked very promising and fun. I hope to be more lucky tomorrow.​
    Good Knight!​

    Attached Files:

    • log.txt
      File size:
      4.8 KB
  13. Classik

    Classik Shipwright

    This still isn't fixed.
  14. Salted

    Salted Bison Rider

    Yes, it's not. Have to wait for a few days
  15. ltdlima

    ltdlima Shipwright

    Game runs today but there seem to be some issues still going on:
    There are a blue and a red box (showing team members) displayed in the upper half of the screen all the time, no way to eliminate these boxes. I can't see anything happening in the level behind those boxes! Secondly there is still no sound to the game in ubuntu, but that issue is discussed elsewhere.
    Last but not least, there is an error message displayed, that says it would be impossible to load the "Smoke.png". Checking the sprites folder I found that the "Smoke.png" actually is written "smoke.png" <- no capital S there. Changing the files name solved the problem easily.
  16. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Sometimes..My KAG close itself and then I need to restart my computer and after it's ok.
  17. Classik

    Classik Shipwright

    that has nothing to do with this problem :/
  18. teyesahr

    teyesahr Shipwright

    Now works for me on Ubuntu 11.04 64bit.
  19. still doesn't work on my mac.
  20. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It's not going to work on your mac until we get the OSX build together, anything else is likely the fault of non-perfect emulation (like the freeze on alt-tab from wine "bug").

    "I wish they'd put more thought into releases" - the game runs just fine on both of the developers computers, we can't expect crash bugs if they dont show up on our computers. The linux crash was the fault of incorrect compilation and is fixed now (not sure about the libgl requirement, that'll be fixed soon if it isn't) - I'm running it just fine here on Windows XP, MM's running it fine on 7, no-one uses vista anyway, I'd usually test on Arch linux but don't have an install handy at the moment and MM's just about got it working on OSX, he thinks.

    A dump of system.txt accompanying these kind of things would be better, as would posting them on bugs.kag2d.com rather than the forums. We can track the bugs much more easily that way.

    Clearing KAG/App/version.txt to re-patch might help any files that didn't patch successfully the first time around.
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