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Story my first zombie... the

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by dragonc, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. dragonc

    dragonc Builder Stabber

    When I came to the castle I notice something a little off about it. At a distance it look like it was well taken care of. but when i arrived there were a row of 3 huge wood doors that were burned up in a fire that seemed to have happen that day when I past all the doors I could see it wasn't a castle... It was now only ruins everything was burned or broken after a few minuets of exploring the ruins i turn a corner and found 3 men. The tallest was a knight with a stone shield and sword and on his head he had a hat with two horns on it. the second was an archer like me his hat had holes in it and had only 12 arrows left. the smallest had a pickax a bag of stone and was had a dirty top hat on. hello the archer said. "were am i" i asked i have no idea we are travelers and we came here to rest. oh... well could you help me get somewhere else? yes but not tonight the zombies well come. OK but what well do about the zombies fend them off. but how many are there not to many in this land but we might want to make this place a little more defend able. and i have an idea how to. said the shortest man i will will build a stone that well be keep the door shut little longer. i only have a little stone left and i have no time to mine some more. you bonecrusher he pointed at the knight. "hmm?" bonecrusher said. follow me "arg" Henry he pointed at the archer go to almost gone left wall and you whats your name? this is something i remembered for some reason. dragon c i said. what the c stand for? i could remember that so i lied "Chim". "OK you follow Henry OK". as i walked away i heard him say "what weird names. as i followed Henry. i ask why is the knight called bonecrusher? oh that we call him that because it fits him also i am sorry about ores bossiness he isn't very brave around zombies when he see one he has a heart attack. finally here we are. and that's when i found my first zombie... i shot at it instead of falling in exploded and the arrow didn't stop. wow! how did you do that Henry said i was surprised to but i before i could reply i heard a lot more groaning in the distance and i mean a lot more groaning. in coming!!!!
    end of part 2
  2. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    eh blah blah blah.:eek: It would be so much nicer if there were paragraphs, not a blob on the page.:)