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My Friend's Clantag

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Ninja12, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Ninja12

    Ninja12 Haxor

    Hello forum people. I am Ninja12.
    My friend Slathers has a problem with his clantag. He said he was once playing a game, and then the clantag just appeared, and he can't take it off. The clantag is wolf, and he's not in wolf.
    If anyone can post a solution, I will tell Slathers how to take it off. Thanks!
    -Ninja12 (Wolf)

    P.S. If such a thing like this was already posted, I'm sorry. I searched, and looked at all 5 pages when I searched 'can't take clantag off'.
  2. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Try leave server, change tag, join server.
  3. GodOfTheChaos

    GodOfTheChaos Builder Stabber

    reinstall? reinstall repairs all xD
  4. Ninja12

    Ninja12 Haxor

    All right, I'll tell him.