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My KAG client broke

Discussion in 'General Help' started by SquireBiddles, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. SquireBiddles

    SquireBiddles Builder Stabber

    I'm not sure how to explain it, but my computer just randomly removed KAG classic from my computer cause it was a risky program or something. I reinstalled it, but I can't play on any servers. Infact I can't see any servers. Please save me or direct me to a link that will save me!
  2. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    Hello squirell, this has happened to me before, simply open the kag folder, then go to 'App' then in there, you should see something named, 'version.txt.' delete that, then restart kag, if that doesn't help, open your firewall and change the settings, it could be your firewall.
  3. SquireBiddles

    SquireBiddles Builder Stabber

    It worked! Thanks bb.
  4. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    Haha, No problem! Im here to help as much as I can! :)