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My list of changes

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by steve_jobs, Oct 11, 2013.

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Mods: Rainbows
  1. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    straight to the point.

    Knights are too ninja.
    They can climb up a ten block high wall, and then slash at whatever is above. They can jump around overhangs, and slash. They are too mobile.
    So I propose...
    If a knight slashes or glides at a wall, he doesn't run up the wall but gets bounced back a bit, preventing him from wall climbing.

    "Spider man" arrow spammers are annoying.
    A dangling spammer is a bane on society. They can do it virtually anywhere with a roof of some sort, and if a knight manages to get close, he can just move to another spot. They are irritating to every player.
    So I propose...
    When you grapple, arrows charge slower. This nerfs continuous dangling.

    Legolas shot is annoying and glitchy.
    It's really annoying to use, sometimes when close combating a knight, the arrows miss due to a slight mouse movement. Clicking over and over again to launch them is unhealthy for the mouse, and your fingers.
    So I propose...
    A tightly packed shotgun shot that shoots as soon as you release. Far more simple an easy too use, less room for error.

    I might add more.
  2. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    More spam then ? :D
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    So basically you are proposing to remove the two things that make current KAG combat great.
  4. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I don't think that you'll add more simply because you've already broken a rule, which would be:

    To be found in the sticky of this section.

    Locked and warned.
Mods: Rainbows
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