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My ping is terrible

Discussion in 'General Help' started by albionsancestor, May 12, 2014.

  1. albionsancestor

    albionsancestor Catapult Fodder

    I've been playing since christmas and have never, I mean never, had any problems with my ping. Since the update adding in the new keg mechanics, amongst other updates, this game has become practically unplayable. I KEEP on getting ping banned on servers (don't tell me it's my internet; my internet is fine and I can play any other game I have absolutely fine no problem) and the game has become sluggish and more laggy than usual.

    Is there something I can do to fix this or should I just leave the game and come back in a few months when it might be better.
    I'm playing on a mac however that is less than a year old and has no problems playing any other game.
  2. 3p1cL0bster

    3p1cL0bster Ballista Bolt Thrower

    It probably has something to do with the distance. For example, my Ping is just fine in many servers, but in australian and american servers my Ping is terrible too... Just play in servers closer to your area... Should solve the problem :)
  3. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    I have the same problem too. I switched over to Beta a few days ago and all my ping is over 600ms :/

    You can reset the router and then try again. The ping goes down for me for abit but it goes up afterwards.
  4. What country are you located in, and what country are the servers you're attempting to connect to in?

    Also, if you have multiple people using different internet-enabled devices (computers, ipads, phones, etc) in the house at the same time, then that is likely to cause your ping to spike high too.
  5. albionsancestor

    albionsancestor Catapult Fodder

    I'm in England and no matter which server (EU or otherwise) my ping can be terrible. I've found it to be better during the day (understandable) however sometimes my ping jumps up to 5k maximum whenever I play it, be it day or night.
    I guess it could be my internet, but during the times of high ping it is perfect for other games that I play.
    Also since the update I've found the game to have a lot more lag than before the updates (but I have sometimes been playing in servers with up to 32 people)
    I'm moving house soon so, in the off chance that it is in fact my internet at the place I live now, I will wait and see if the change in internet provider sorts out the ping.
  6. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    Are you using wi-fi ? If yes check to see if someone stealing your bandwidth.
  7. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Things running in the background causes lag, and I find if I run steam with classic it lags quiet a bit.

    Try changing the settings maybe so it's easier for your computer. (Haven't fiddled with the settings before so not entirely sure if it works but it works in other games I've played.)

    At the top right there's a bar that you can switch for what order the servers are in, population, ping etc. if you select ping and select the servers that have people and near the top you will have less lag.

    Also in the description of the server it shows you what ping you probs will get around.
  8. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    Why your ping can be big:
    1. One connection for few peoples
    2. Server is hosted on the second part of world
    3. Your pc have some viruses
    4. You didnt closed programs which are connecting to web for example: avast update; skype
    DragonShark likes this.
  9. Play on servers closer to where you live

    EDIT: It's because your using a Mac