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Need Help with Premium

Discussion in 'General Help' started by dledger, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. dledger

    dledger Shipwright

    So today I bought Premium I entered the Giftcode in my account yet when I log in the game I don't show up as Premium.

    If you help thank you for your time,
  2. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    Likely just a glitch. If your name isn't yellow, I mean. Sometimes it takes a bit of time for the server you join to register your status. If you get on a server and it takes more than 10 minutes before you're registered as Premium, then you have a real problem.

    Only advice is try it again and this time wait a bit.

    Also, make sure your ping on that server is good. (Low)
  3. Eric

    Eric Shark Slayer

    Just saw the new blog post, now I get it.