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Windows need help with shops

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by robinwood, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. robinwood

    robinwood Shark Slayer

    I need help, I need to do a tutorial on by all kinds of shops in the configuration folder of the room from the shops normal shops until the modified
  2. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

  3. robinwood

    robinwood Shark Slayer

    I need more specific configurations
    ex: ARROW WORKSHOP; Entities / Rooms / Sprites / ArrowShop.png; KEY7 $ $ to make arrow; arrow; W50;

    arrow, -, -; Entities / Items / Sprites / MaterialStacks.png; Entities / Rooms / Sounds / ArrowsMake.ogg, 10, 16; Arrow cost 1 coin, c * 10;

    and shops that need execute songs and shops to sell and buy, wood stone, gold, wood shop in campentry, masenary shop in stone, the gold in smith shop

    sorry for my bad English because I am a Brazilian player kag, so use the google translator to talk with you . Thanks for the trouble
  4. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You will have to edit these yourself. You can only play sounds that are in the default installation. The most heavily edited kag room I could find on my server to give you an example:

    # room syntax - room name; room level (0 menu - 1... upgrade); room sprite; room help text; room items/functions, item2, item3 ...; costs , , , (g gold, s stone, w wood, c coins, l level, u upgrades_from, r requires_roomname - none) ...
    @$rooms = 
    BOMB WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/BombShop.png; Buy a bomb yo.; bomb, upgrade DEMOLITION WORKSHOP; w30, s50; 
    UPG DEMOLITION WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to buy explosives;bomb, kegc, kegb, kegl, keglb;uDEMOLITION WORKSHOP;
    QUARTERS; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Quarters.png; Heal up nigga.; heal, class 0; w50;
    ARROW WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/ArrowShop.png; How to shot web; arrow; w50, s30;
    SIEGE WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/SiegeShop.png; Yo dawg, buy dat cata, damn strait.; catapult; w30, s50, g30 ; 
    MECHANICS WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/MechanicShop.png; Light up the Night!; lantern, bluelantern, greenlantern, redlantern, bouncylantern, superlantern; w50, s30 ;
    SHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Bank.png; Buy Wood and Stone, yo, straight up.; buystone, buywood, buygold, upgrade CHEAP SHOP; w30, s30;
    CHEAP SHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Bank.png; Buy Wood, Stone, and Gold; buystone2, buywood2, buygold2, upgrade BEST SHOP; uSHOP;
    BEST SHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Bank.png; Buy Wood, Stone, and Gold; buystone3, buywood3, buygold3; uCHEAP SHOP;
    GOLD STORAGE; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Bank.png; Sell Gold; sellgold; g10;
    TUNNEL; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; Press $KEY7$ to travel quickly; upgrade TUNNEL A, upgrade TUNNEL B, upgrade TUNNEL C, upgrade TUNNEL D, upgrade TUNNEL E; -;
    TUNNEL A; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; Press $KEY7$ to travel quickly; travel_right, travel_left; uTUNNEL;
    TUNNEL B; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; Press $KEY7$ to travel quickly; travel_right, travel_left; uTUNNEL;
    TUNNEL C; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; Press $KEY7$ to travel quickly; travel_right, travel_left; uTUNNEL;
    TUNNEL D; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; Press $KEY7$ to travel quickly; travel_right, travel_left; uTUNNEL;
    TUNNEL E; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; Press $KEY7$ to travel quickly; travel_right, travel_left; uTUNNEL;
    ARCHERY RANGE; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/ArcheryRange.png; Pew pew, I'm an archer!; class 0, class 2; w30;
    KNIGHT ARMORY; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Armoury.png; Awwwww shit, we Knight now!; class 0, class 1; s30;
    UPD WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/BombShop.png; Upgrade this shit to solo workshops; upgrade JBOMB WORKSHOP, upgrade JKEG WORKSHOP, upgrade JSUPER WORKSHOP, upgrade JLIGHT WORKSHOP, upgrade JBOUNCY WORKSHOP; s50, w30;
    JBOMB WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/BombShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to buy bombs;bomb;uUPD WORKSHOP;
    JKEG WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to buy a Keg;kegc;uUPD WORKSHOP;
    JSUPER WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to buy a super keg;kegb;uUPD WORKSHOP;
    JLIGHT WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to buy a light keg;kegl;uUPD WORKSHOP;
    JBOUNCY WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to buy a bouncy keg;keglb; uUPD WORKSHOP;
    BOULDER SETUP WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/EmptyRoom.png; Press $KEY7$ to make\na boulder; upgrade BOULDER WORKSHOP, upgrade BOUNCY BOULDER WORKSHOP, upgrade HEAVY BOULDER WORKSHOP, upgrade FAST BOULDER WORKSOHP; w50;
    BOULDER WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/MasonryShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to make\na boulder; boulder; uBOULDER SETUP WORKSHOP;
    BOUNCY BOULDER WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/MasonryShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to make\na bouncy boulder; bouncyboulder; uBOULDER SETUP WORKSHOP;
    HEAVY BOULDER WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/MasonryShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to make\na heavy boulder; heavyboulder; uBOULDER SETUP WORKSHOP;
    FAST BOULDER WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/MasonryShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to make\na fast boulder; fastboulder; uBOULDER SETUP WORKSHOP;
    # room_function syntax - function name; function actor name; function config file; function icon; function make sound; function icon frame; function icon frame size; function help text; costs , , , (g gold, s stone, w wood, c coins - none) ...
    @$room_functions = bomb; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 12; 16; Bomb costs 20 coins; c20;
    arrow; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/ArrowsMake.ogg; 10; 16; Arrow cost 1 coin; c*10;
    catapult; -; -; Sprites/catapult.png; d; 0; 32; Wreck shit dawg.; w120, c20;
    outpost; -; -; Sprites/outpost1.png; d; 0; 32; Construct an Outpost; w120, g20, c20;
    heal; -; -; -; Sounds/heart.ogg; 0; 0; Healing; -;
    keg; keg; Entities/Items/Keg.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Keg.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 16; Buy me to demolish castles!; w20, c50;
    kegc; keg; Entities/Items/Keg.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Keg.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 16; Buy me to demolish castles!; w10, c30;
    kegb; keg; Entities/Items/Kegbig.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Keg.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 16; Super Kegs!; w60, c150;
    kegl; keg; Entities/Items/Keglight.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Keg.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 16; Lightweight Kegs for use in Catapults!; w5, c20;
    keglb; keg; Entities/Items/Kegbounce.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Keg.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 16; Bouncy Kegs; w5, c20;
    lantern; genericitem; Entities/Items/Lantern.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Lantern.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 8; Regular Light; c5, w5;
    bluelantern; genericitem; Entities/Items/BlueLantern.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Lantern.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 8; Blue Light; c5, w5;
    greenlantern; genericitem; Entities/Items/GreenLantern.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Lantern.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 8; Green Light; c5, w5;
    redlantern; genericitem; Entities/Items/RedLantern.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Lantern.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 8; Red Light; c5, w5;
    bouncylantern; genericitem; Entities/Items/BouncyLantern.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Lantern.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 8; Bouncy Lanterns; c5, w5;
    superlantern; genericitem; Entities/Items/SLantern.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Lantern.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 8; Super Lantern; c250, w5;
    buystone; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 0; 16; Buy Stone; s-5, c10;
    buywood; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 3; 16; Buy Wood; w-5, c10;
    buygold; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 6; 16; Buy Gold; g-5, c10;
    buystone2; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 1; 16; Buy Stone; s-10, c10;
    buywood2; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 4; 16; Buy Wood; w-10, c10;
    buygold2; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 7; 16; Buy Gold; g-10, c10;
    buystone3; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 2; 16; Buy Stone; s-20, c10;
    buywood3; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 5; 16; Buy Wood; w-20, c10;
    buygold3; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 8; 16; Buy Gold; g-20, c10;
    sellgold; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; d; 15; 16; Sell Gold; g20, c-5;
    boulder; boulder; Entities/Items/Boulder.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Boulder.png; d; 0; 16; Throw them rocks.; s50;
    bouncyboulder; boulder; Entities/Items/BoulderBouncy.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Boulder.png; d; 0; 16; Bouncy rocks!; s30;
    heavyboulder; boulder; Entities/Items/BoulderHeavy.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Boulder.png; d; 0; 16; Heavy rocks!; s50;
    fastboulder; boulder; Entities/Items/BoulderFast.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/Boulder.png; d; 0; 16; Fast rocks!; s30;
    upgrade BOULDER WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/MasonryShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Boulder Workshop; -;
    upgrade BOUNCY BOULDER WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/MasonryShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Bouncy Boulder Workshop; -;
    upgrade HEAVY BOULDER WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/MasonryShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Heavy Boulder Workshop; s50;
    upgrade FAST BOULDER WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/MasonryShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Fast Boulder Workshop; -;
    upgrade DEMOLITION WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Demolition Workshop; g30, w100, s80, c60;
    upgrade UPG DEMOLITION WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade for better prices/kegs; g10, c50;
    upgrade JBOMB WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/BombShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Bombs Only Shop; -;
    upgrade JKEG WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Cheap Kegs Only Shop; g40, s100, w100, c50;
    upgrade JSUPER WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Super Kegs Only Shop; g100, s100, w100, c110;
    upgrade JLIGHT WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Light Kegs Only Shop; g40, s100, w100, c110;
    upgrade JBOUNCY WORKSHOP; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/DemoShop.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade to Bouncy Kegs Only Shop; g40, s100, w100, c110;
    upgrade CHEAP SHOP; -;-;Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Bank.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade for better exchange rate; g10, c60;
    upgrade BEST SHOP; -;-;Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Bank.png; d; 0; 24; Upgrade for even better exchange rate; g30, c120;
    travel_left; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/Travel.ogg; 1; 32; Travel Left; -;
    travel_right; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/Travel.ogg; 1; 32; Travel Right; -;
    upgrade TUNNEL A; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; d; 0; 24; Choose Tunnel A; s50;
    upgrade TUNNEL B; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; d; 0; 24; Choose Tunnel B; s50;
    upgrade TUNNEL C; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; d; 0; 24; Choose Tunnel C; s50;
    upgrade TUNNEL D; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; d; 0; 24; Choose Tunnel D; s50;
    upgrade TUNNEL E; -; -; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; d; 0; 24; Choose Tunnel E; s50;
    class 1; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/SwitchKnight.ogg; 12; 32; Knight; -;
    class 2; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/SwitchArcher.ogg; 16; 32; Archer; -;
    class 0; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/SwitchBuilder.ogg; 8; 32; Builder; -;
    # - nothing
    # d default build sound
  5. robinwood

    robinwood Shark Slayer

    thank you C: