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Need to Contact Admin/Developer Privately (BUG REPORTING)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Aoki, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. Aoki

    Aoki Guest

    I've found a bug that can make a whole game imbalance.

    For the past several days I've tried forum email function but according to soulcath it doesnt work.

    I would not like to reveal this bug to public because its very uh, wouldnt be nice to reveal it for some reason

    anyways I would like some kind email address or something so I can just go ahead email the details.

    as for priority well.. I guess I just reveal this pic to show how unbalance this thing are...

  2. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    My e-mail is: mm at thd.vg
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Ehy, why not to post the bug here?

    (which I guess, is the background stone bug in test version)
  4. Aoki

    Aoki Guest

    because its VERY ABUSE-ABLE (I been abusing it ever since :P )

    sending you e-mail now MM.

    tell me if you didnt receive it.

    if u guys wondering what was the bug, I can reveal it after it gets fixed :) thanks.
  5. little_Peasent

    little_Peasent Shark Slayer

  6. Aoki

    Aoki Guest

    well sorry I havent been around forum a lot so didnt really check all the thread but yeah just like what I said from my 1st post, I've already found out this bug few days prior this thread (or that thread) but I didnt wanted the public to know this bug therefore I didnt create any thread and been trying to contact dev.

    anyways what I wanted was a way to contact dev privately (I got that) so tyvm if I found out more bugs will just go ahead email.

    I see it got fixed :) nice and good work & good luck to dev, certainly will buy this game when its officially released :)
  7. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    No worries, we're doing a fix blitz at the moment to iron out all the bugs and these sort of things are both easily fixed and important - cheers for the report.