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Nerf stone platforms

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Blue_Tiger, Jan 12, 2015.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    I find it really annoying to not be able to remove archer nests. I think one or two fire arrows should rek an archer nest and allow me to remove the noobs from behind it, but it seems I need several bomb arrows followed by it being replaced in seconds...

    Before you tell me to get my builders to do the same, that makes archer so fucking boring. Nothing worse than camping behind platforms clicking your mouse in the general area of enemies.
    SirDangalang and zerd like this.
  2. Fire arrows can light up to 3 stone platforms already if I'm not mistaken.
    I think it's fine as it is.
    Fuzzle and RadioActive like this.
  3. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    You could just bomb arrow/keg the supporting tower of said archer nest. Watch all the little campers fall to their doom and laugh at them.
  4. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Doesn't take much to give it supports with backwalls behind the nest, which is often what happens. Taking down an archer nest is harder than taking a flag IMO.
  5. wilpin7

    wilpin7 Lewd~ Donator
    1. KAG Competitive League

    Stop killing the archers on top of their bases, and start killing the knights/builders down below.

    Also, git gud, bomb arrows are awesome. Explode dem archers. Or switch knight and never have to worry about petty archer problems again. :potato:
  6. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Bomb arrow takes out 3 platforms at most and does minimal dmg to the archers behind as well as costing 50 coins as opposed to fire arrows 15 (30 for 2). Noob archer nests can easily be taken out, sure, but anyone who makes a good one with stone platforms, all sides covered and support beams on the back is invincible and way too easy to make.

    In order to deal any significant damage to knights, I need knight supposed - except, they're getting drilled by the archers hiding behind platforms. The builders are just repairing the archer nest easily by using 30 wood per 15 coins I spend trying to destroy it.

    In the end, the only real way to deal with it, from my experience, is hopping over and trying to get them from the back, hoping no knights on the enemy team have any common sense and that the archer hiding behind the platform isn't Verz or Elowan.
    kodysch likes this.
  7. Simply you can get a knight push going instead of constantly firing at one archer nest, focus on the objective. While you bomb arrows those platforms have a builder slip in with the knight rush and fuck some shit up! Its a team game last time I checked not the one man cub show :wink:::D:
  8. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    In order for this to be accomplished, you need knights and builders with brain cells; unlikely in a pub match. After all, with this strat (invincible archer nest), you just need one builder with a brain cell, camping archers and a couple jab spamming knights in order to win.
  9. swagbot

    swagbot Shopkeep Stealer

    Yes, it can prove difficult to successfully siege an archer nest. Yes, it can take multiple runs as an archer with bomb arrows to take down said nest, but I think that's part of the game. It's the choice of a builder to expend a given amount of resources on repairing an archer nest, or on making other necessary base repairs. You need to take into consideration- as an archer sieging the enemy base- whether your attack will divide the enemy's resources or not, or whether multiple attacks will do so. Sometimes multiple attacks are necessary for making the builder/s decide it's not necessary to repair an archer nest; but honestly, if you're going to be making multiple attacks on a nest with multiple bomb arrows, why wouldn't you use them on flag defenses? Flag defenses are generally 3 blocks thick, which means if you have 3 bomb arrows then you can easily penetrate the defenses for you or a teammate to grab the flag.

    tl;dr get on ur m3ta g4me
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  10. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    well obviously taking down one of the biggest defense lines of the enemy is harder than taking the flag
    how the fuck is that wrong

    archer nests are generally bound to their tower and taking them down means taking the tower down
    I fail to notice the problem.
Mods: Rainbows