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New zombies

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Ne3zy, May 24, 2012.

  1. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    I don't understand why the fuck when I change sprites of the zombies they don't attack anymore :>:(: here's my modifications :

    The problem is the frames (this is not he original frames from zombie, I changed them to adapt it to ZombieArm), when I change them the zombie don't attack anymore even if the frames looks beautiful, in return when I switch the frames to the original ones (from zombie) it works but it's really ugly, help please !
    Same with zombie chicken.
  2. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    Download and replace you modified .cfg file with the one attached in my post. Should fix it.

    Attached Files:

  3. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    I don't want to make it looks like a standard zombie I already have the original files, I want to change sprites without it bugs...
    Thanks anyway
  4. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    Your grammar is really hard to understand, which is why I misunderstood you. I dont know bleep about KAG's .cfg files - perhaps one of the devs could help you out?


    This thread should be under Modding.
  5. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    I want to make a new zombie with differents sprites, here I want to make the ZombieArm which you can find in Entities/Actor/Sprites.
    The problem is that when I change the sprite's frames the new zombie is not able to attack anymore, I would like to know how I can make him attack changing sprites, understand ?
    Sorry I'm not english you know
  6. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    As i recall Rayne has tryed that with byzons but has failed. So probebly not possible :S
  7. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    THAT'S A PITY :QQ: !
  8. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Try copying the original file (e.g.: ZombieKnight.png) and rename the new copy (e.g.: ZombieKnight Copy.png to MyNewZombie.png)
    Then modify the sprite (draw someting new over it keeping the transparency).

    I believe that depending on the zombie factory that the game uses, it expects a number of frames and a particular size for each frame to work correctly. For example, ZombieKnight (ZK) has 14 frames of 32x32 pixels each. ZombieArm (ZA) has 5 frames of 16x16 pixels each, so if you would try to replace the ZK sprite with the ZA one, you would get some weird shit moving around.
    Rayne likes this.
  9. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    If I modify it people wont be able to see it like me in multiplayer (I want to add zombie to my server)
  10. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    -wait- I MANAGED TO DO IT xD
    # Skeleton config file
    # $ string
    # @ array
    # sprite
    $sprite_factory = zombie_sprite
    $sprite_texture = Entities/Actors/Sprites/ZombieArm.png
    s32_sprite_frame_width = 16
    s32_sprite_frame_height = 16
    $sprite_sound_death_hit =
    $sprite_sound_flesh_hit = Entities/Actors/Sounds/SkeletonHit.ogg
    $sprite_sound_die =
    $sprite_sound_spawn = Entities/Actors/Sounds/SkeletonSpawn?.ogg
    $sprite_sound_gib = Entities/Actors/Sounds/SkeletonBreak1.ogg
    $sprite_sound_emit =
        $sprite_gibs_start = *start*
        #head or ribcage
        $gib_type = static_particle
        $gib_file = Entities/Actors/Sprites/ZombieGibs.png
        u8_gib_count = 1   
        u8_gib_style = 0   
        u8_frame_width = 8;
        u8_frame_height = 8;
        @u8_gib_frame = 0; 1;
        $gib_collide_sound = Sounds/bone_fall?.ogg
        f32_gib_mass = 1.5
        u8_gib_emit = 255
        f32_velocity = 8.0
        f32_offset_x = 0.0
        f32_offset_y = -5.0
        $gib_type = predefined
        $gib_style = bone
        u8_gib_count = 1                    #number of gibs
        @u8_gib_frame = 1; 2; 3;
        f32_velocity = 5.0
        f32_offset_x = 0.0
        f32_offset_y = 0.0
        $gib_type = predefined
        $gib_style = bone
        u8_gib_count = 5
        @u8_gib_frame = 4; 5; 6; 7;
        f32_velocity = 10.0
        f32_offset_x = 0.0
        f32_offset_y = 0.0
        $sprite_gibs_end = *end*
    f32_blood_multiplier = 8.0
    clr_blood_color = 255; 200; 0; 0
      $sprite_animation_start = *start*
      # stand
      $sprite_animation_stand_name = stand
      u16_sprite_animation_stand_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_stand_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_stand_frames = 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 3;
      # walk
      $sprite_animation_walk_name = walk
      u16_sprite_animation_walk_time = 5
      u8_sprite_animation_walk_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_walk_frames = 0; 1; 2; 3;
      # attack
      $sprite_animation_attack_name = attack
      u16_sprite_animation_attack_time = 3
      u8_sprite_animation_attack_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_attack_frames = 0; 1; 2; 3;
      # dead - should always gib
      $sprite_animation_dead_name = dead
      u16_sprite_animation_dead_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_dead_loop = 0
      @u16_sprite_animation_dead_frames = 3; 4; 4; 4;
      # revive
      $sprite_animation_revive_name = revive
      u16_sprite_animation_revive_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_revive_loop = 0
      @u16_sprite_animation_revive_frames = 0; 1; 2; 3;
      # climb
      $sprite_animation_climb_name = climb
      u16_sprite_animation_climb_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_climb_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_climb_frames = 0; 1; 2; 3;
      $sprite_animation_end = *end*
    u16_attack_hit_frame = 3
    $sprite_sound_attack =
    $sprite_sound_spot = Entities/Actors/Sounds/SkeletonSayDuh.ogg
    $sprite_bloodsquirt_file =
    $sprite_bloodsmall_file = 
    It works for me in single player. The only thing that changed apparently was the u16_attack_hit_frame = 3 variable, since frame 6 didn't have a sprite. I tested in SP and the arm attacks and moves as if it were a skeleton. Let me know if it worked for you :)
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  11. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    I want screen shots because I'm too lazy to download it myself.
  12. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

  13. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    Thanks it worked but I got the same problem with chicken how did u managed ? :eek:
    I spent hours and hours and nothing lol
  14. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Same solution, make sure that the attack frame corresponds to an actual frame in the image (If the sprite has 10 frames, then attack frame has to be <= 9)
  15. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    My chicken is good I guess but it don't works :huh?:, look

      $sprite_animation_start = *start*
      # stand
      $sprite_animation_stand_name = stand
      u16_sprite_animation_stand_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_stand_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_stand_frames = 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 9;
      # walk
      $sprite_animation_walk_name = walk
      u16_sprite_animation_walk_time = 5
      u8_sprite_animation_walk_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_walk_frames = 0; 1; 2; 3;
      # attack
      $sprite_animation_attack_name = attack
      u16_sprite_animation_attack_time = 3
      u8_sprite_animation_attack_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_attack_frames = 4; 4; 4; 4; 5; 5; 8; 9;
      # dead - should always gib
      $sprite_animation_dead_name = dead
      u16_sprite_animation_dead_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_dead_loop = 0
      @u16_sprite_animation_dead_frames = 6; 7;
      # revive
      $sprite_animation_revive_name = revive
      u16_sprite_animation_revive_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_revive_loop = 0
      @u16_sprite_animation_revive_frames = 10; 11;
      $sprite_animation_end = *end*
    </br>--- merged: May 25, 2012 6:09 PM ---</br>
    so what's wrong
  16. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Lol, dude, I'm not a script compiler xD Anyways, I've uploaded my chicken so that you could use it. You can then see what was the problem and hopefully post it here to help anyone else having the same problem :)

    Attached Files:

  17. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    Thanks ! I will try to see
    JacKD likes this.
  18. BC

    BC Bison Rider

    JackD, I used this code to add Zombie Arms and Chickens to BC Zombie CTF. Thanks a ton, Zombie Arms are so funny!
    UnnamedPlayer and JacKD like this.