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No flags through tunnels

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by kodysch, Mar 23, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    As the title says, no flags through tunnels. It seems unfair when a builder erects a tunnel on top of your flag room, or right besides it, mines two blocks, places some stone doors and then a knight takes the flag, teleports back, and that's game. While what ever team lets the opponent get in that kind of advantage deserves no pity, I've seen games end in a flash because a builder had a lot of stone and a few good knights. I think it's a good tactic, but a tad OP. Some of the most epic displays of kag skills and teamwork I've seen have been when the team's last flag ,being stolen, valorizes everyone's efforts to intercept. Having the tunnels the way they are; as soon as one is built close to a flag it's game over. This just gives the defending team a chance at taking back the flag( and their honor).
    zerd likes this.
  2. JPD

    JPD Shipwright

    Good concept but think about the implications. If this was coded into the game than you couldn't go through doors with the flag, or any 2 block wide space. How would you get the enemy flag into your base to cap it? Would you have to break the wall down? What if you've got the flag and cant go back under the tunnel you've dug under their tower because the game thinks it's a tunnel?

    However I do agree with you @kodysch . Tunnelers are no fun. It would be much more reasonable to make more blocks underneath the flag invincible. Or a wall of bedrock that goes from 3 blocks in front of the flag to the bottom of the map.
  3. flag slows you down a lot and that means that:
    a) you are at disadvantage when trying to walk away with it because it's their damn base
    b) you are slower so even if you parkour out, some jumps are still impossible and also they can just chase you down

    which leads to
    c) you need to have a big advantage to take the flag home
    taking a flag out is much easier than keeping it in, tunnels are one of the things that allow you to break that stall and finish off the game

    i mean even here you say
    getting the builder himself in a safe place is hard. we're talking "ohshit3bombstryingtosnipehim" hard. and even if you get the builder there you still need to have better knights to break their defense and get the flag out. that basically means that you still have to outplay the defending team to get it.
  4. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    Taking the flag should be hard, your team should have to work together to win. It's not that hard to get a tunnel up near the front, again if you have stone you just dig in and cover your ass with it, bide your time digging towards the flag, build a tunnel. If your team has better knights then let them take it back to the base on foot. leave balistas for breaking stalemates.

    As far as it not being possible with code, kegs already can't go through multiple tunnels and last i read kegs where slated to be impassable through tunnels at all. So if that is possible don't see why flag wouldn't work the same.
  5. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I do agree with kodysch. Flags should not go through tunnels. It's a tiny bit OP in many respects... while yes... it is true that running with a flag is tough as fuckin nails... but in many ways it's not.

    The best alternative to not having a tunnel.. is to pass the flag, which I have seen happen several times in my time in beta. Also, It's not like anyone will allow a builder into their base just to get a tunnel in.. it's fuckin impossible unless that builder has a team of knights... that kinda shit takes desperation and team work xD

    And besides, it gets pretty irritating when you can't follow a team of knights and builders though a tunnel... I kinda would like that feature back tbh... it was amazingly useful and makes certain things so much easier to do... I used to storm a castle in classic back in the day via tunnels.. it amused me when people scream at eachother for not watching the tunnel as well as screaming at each other for not defending the flag properly when I kill the enemy flag carrier and take back the flag... xD
  6. Toastation

    Toastation Builder Stabber

    I think he was talking about the tunnel that teleport you to another one.
    UnnamedPlayer and Guitarman like this.
  7. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Why'd you let them build a tunnel on your flag?
  8. JPD

    JPD Shipwright

  9. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Building a tunnel behind someone's base on a larger map is GG.

    There has been times when I got stuck on a losing team, but manage to break my way through as knight. If I can make them lose sight of me, most of the time they just think, "fuck it, he can't do shit".

    From there I find a place to swap to builder, gather my materials, make a tunnel, break into their flag that for the most part is completely unguarded because they are using tunnels at their base to push, and then take the flag back and cap.

    I have done this multiple times.

    So, let me ask you all this...

    Would you like to be able to travel through the enemy team's tunnels?
    kodysch and zerd like this.
  10. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    I think it would be worth a try. What in the scripts needs to be done to allow it? Who is willing and able to set up a server to test it?
  11. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    This was a thing is classic.
    All backward tunnels were built into traps, and therefor more expensive.
    That was more or less all it did.
    All this would do is nerf builders, and while they don't necessarily need a buff the definitely aren't due for a nerf.
  12. Atheraal

    Atheraal Base Burner

    I agree with OP, taking the flag through a tunnel is a boring and anticlimactic game ender. It should really either let enemies use tunnels as well like before, or not let flags go through. Same thing for kegs, I thought it made a lot of sense that they couldn't be taken through, but then I realized you can just drop it and pick it up again right before you go through to do it.
Mods: Rainbows