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No giftcode!!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Gamegamer0, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Gamegamer0

    Gamegamer0 Shopkeep Stealer

    I did not get an email with the gift code when i bought the game.
    I am EXTREMLY mad about this becouse i bought the game twice and it worked none of the times.
    Heres what i did when i bought it.
    Im not 18 so i dont have a credit card and stuff so my aunt payed for the game.
    She has gmail so when i bought it with her paypal account i typed in her gmail adress and stuff.
    But the email with the code wont arrive at her gmail i checked it from msn,
    Gmail works on msn or something im not good with email stuff.
    So please can someone tell me why the email hasnt arrived also sorry for bad english im from sweden.
  2. Gamegamer0

    Gamegamer0 Shopkeep Stealer

    Oh come on i need to know =(
  3. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Ok so when you bought the game you was connected to your account? Yeah?
    After you buy it you need to go to the email and take the NIP code and enter this on your account with the gift code..

    Edit: delete your post on the discussion topic that was not the good place for this post.
  4. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    What was the email address used?