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No Wood in Zombies Singleplayer/Multiplayer or Premium Singleplayer

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Kurtino, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Kurtino

    Kurtino Shipwright

    Not everyone has the knowledge too create a server and modify variables such as adding Wood etc...it's pretty poorly made at the moment but I understand the focus in a Alpha but still...

    Single player Zombies or just Premium Sandbox or any other Single Player mode has no wood at all, meaning I have too join someone's server just to experience it.

    This includes Water as well but obviously not for Zombies.

    Will this be fixed or is it there and I'm missing something? I'm writing this based off of what I can see at the moment and would like some Help please!
    Sitanel and MCrypa like this.
  2. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
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    Weird. We had wood in the test build for Zombies, but as I understand it wood probably won't be added to Sandbox since it can be used to F2P users, therefore they would get wood usage.