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Discussion in 'Rejected Maps' started by Anti-virus, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. Anti-virus

    Anti-virus Shipwright

    Map name: [Ocean War]
    Gamemode: [CTF]
    Symmetrical: [Yes]
    Special features: [The navy combat is part of the game core, but there are not many maps with water. Most of them are not compatible to have war boat actions. Therefore, I would like to submit this map to inspire navy battle.]
    Map: [ Ocean_war2_AV.png ]
    Map name: <Anti-virus>_<Ocean_war2_AV.png>
    *To KAG staff, I am aware that map file name is awkward, please change it to the way you satisfy. Also, there another version where I have experiment and talks with friends regard middle islands in the map where the islands are flattened and lowed down to water surface level. I am willing to editing and make changes to the map content to meet your satisfaction. Thank you.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 14, 2020, Original Post Date: Aug 13, 2020 ---
    I have received the response from mapping moderators for the map being too long, flag position too high, and too much golds.
    Therefore, I have updated the map making it shorter, lower the flag position, reduce the golds.
    Dear, Mapping moderator please inspect again.
    Thank you
  2. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
    1. Active Forum Users

    Rejected - Unfortunately the mapping team has decided to reject this map.
    If you want to know what lead us to this decision, visit the map discussion section here.

    If you're generally unhappy and/or want to further discuss our decision, please message me either here on the Forum or via Discord (Ni#6332)