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Open Internet General

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Chosen, Oct 11, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    Open internet is a kind of internet that is unfiltered and does not give any user priority above other users.

    I support open internet, for I believe the access to any information, regardless of message, should be a fundamental human right. Without access to all information, oppression, censorship, and indoctrination are always lurking.

    I don't mean to offend anyone religious here, (only those condoning internet filtering,) but it seems like most internet proxies blocking certain content are often religiously motivated. They often seem to block access to sites regarding other faiths (such as islam) or non-faiths (such as atheism), in an attempt to indoctrinate children. There are very little people that want an internet proxy solely to prevent them from viewing porn, or so it seems.

    A personal story:
    Here, in Holland, we have a very infamous internet proxy: 'Kliksafe' (translated: Clicksafe).
    It is made by and often used by the more orthodox christians that wish to brainwash their children by using a filter blocking off the sites about other faiths (especially atheism) as so to 'protect' them from any information that will 'shake their faith'. Any site with the word 'sport(s)' is blocked, because they 'oppose any kind of professional sport', because it 'it is not in gods honor' (they spell it with a capital 'g', but I refuse to do so for personal reasons).

    My parents are the only parents in extended family that are not using an internet proxy. All my aunts and uncles use internet proxies. The effect is noticeable. I see my nephews and nieces never even questioning their beliefs, no matter how irrational they might be. I see how they always trust their parents, and their authority. How do we call this phenomenon? INDOCTRINATION

  2. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Wow I thought only Scientology was like that with censorship! D:

    If I could I would just ban religion :l
  3. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Meh, people are entitled to their beliefs.
    That said, brainwashing (or blocking people from asking questions) should be a crime.

    I am very grateful that no such schemes have gained any significant traction in the UK.
  4. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    (my emphasis) ref. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-15255485

    This is how it starts. First comes porn, then communism, then sport, islam and atheism... :(

    I find the issues surrounding net neutrality relevant and even more worrying (tl;dr: tiered internet services with "faster" access for a premium etc)
  5. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Yeah, the UK is slowly becomming something it shouldn't even be teasing.

    The main source of the internet "Proxies" (You technically mean a firewall not a proxy surely?) is mostly due to the hugely famous GFWoC (Great Firewall of China), and it's influences around the world.
  6. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    With 'proxies', I mean stuff like the Great Firewall of China, but also particular proxies that happen to run rampant in my country. I think it's the only reason the orthodox religious haven't died out yet. I'm only basing this on personal evidence, though. As soon as I got open internet, I began to research stuff, compare things, discuss with 'heathens'... And suddenly, I became an atheist. I just formed new conclusions with my newly acquired information.
  7. LightzZ

    LightzZ Shipwright

    The governs wan't we to only view/hear/talk what them wan't.They wan't we to be robots
  8. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    Where do you live, if I may ask?
  9. LightzZ

    LightzZ Shipwright

    Brazil -'' because?
  10. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    Well, I haven't heard anything about censorship in Brazil at all. I wanted to know where you live to either confirm my former guesses (that you live in Germany, China, or another communist country), or if I were wrong, to be able to find out more about censorship.

    But what do they do? Ban certain books? Use national internet proxies?
  11. LightzZ

    LightzZ Shipwright

    They use proxies in certain site and i don't like the idea of they trying to control the internet were can publish our opinion.
  12. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    We've had the ruling (or were they opposition at that point? doesn't matter) party proposing an internet censorship program which was supposed to block child porn. It was a few years back, so I don't remember the details, but if you read the actual bill, it was fucking ridiculous and would block a lot more than that. And you had the feeling that this is just the start. I was so scared, because we have many (fake, 90% are scumbags who don't pay any attention to what their god said, they just want to dominate and control over other (dis)beliefs) orthodox christians and other lunatics. Luckily, normal people reacted very strongly aganist that and knocked the idea out of their stupid heads. Alas, the current prime minister mentioned it again when he gained his position, even though he personally said that they abandoned the idea earlier. We've just had parliment voting and they won again, I'm sure this will come up soon again. And they call themselves a liberal party.. When will you learn, Poles?

    Fuck me, I googled it again and the biggest polish net provider is already censoring the net. Plus it seems the prime minister is trying to work with EU to force the censorship on us. Then he'll just go along the 'we have to cooperate for a better, european future! REJOICE' lines. As usual. Another 4 years of selling off my country. I hope I'll die before we get another era of communism here, right now it seems inevitable.
  13. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Censorship = first step to enslaving a large population, then turning them into mindless zombies.
    Religion= In my opinion is almost like having a penis, its okay to have one, its okay to be proud of it, BUT it is not okay to wave around in public and certainly not okay to shove that shit down our children's throats.
Mods: BlueLuigi