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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by awesomness, Nov 24, 2013.

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  1. awesomness

    awesomness Catapult Fodder

    I came across it in a recent post by a member , and I became rather curious about what excactly Overworld is, or was?

    I've searched around the forums abit and couldn't find any decent info about it. Can any of you guys explain what it was?

    Sorry if I'm breaching any rule against asking this or that I just shouldn't be, I'm just curious.
    And sorry if there was an answer to this somwhere else that I over looked.
  2. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Overworld is a scrapped idea. Originally the goal for the devs was to create a game with a persistent world (for every server) where players could find spots on the map (also travelling on said map in person) and settle cities/villages and find suitable places for mining stone and ores etc. In a nutshell sort of a pseudo-mmorpg. Travelling would happen on the "Overworld", a large map where you could see other players traveling (Think something like Final Fantasy VI overworld) and actual mining/fighting/citybuilding would happen on the sidescrolling 2d plane you see now.

    It was deemed an idea too grand to be accomplished within the timeframe and was scrapped.
    Sheip likes this.
  3. awesomness

    awesomness Catapult Fodder

    Thankyou Fate, much appreciated (:
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