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Parachute/Height bugs/glitches

Discussion in 'General Help' started by goodyman8, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Im pretty sure this is a common problem but i wanted to report it anyway,just in case some people have not noticed it.
    what im assuming is that the height dam might be either glitchy or buggy,because sometimes falling just from 3~4 block height kills and being launched into a huge pit doesnt.
    and the parachute bug,that when multiple people parachute that they 'fly' to the other side,they go straight over every damn thing you built and fall right on your base,some sherlock tried it yesterday and stopped it after dying 30 times.
    anyway what im saying is that that should be fixed,because simply charging with 2~3 knights into the enemy base just depletes their live counts and messes the fun for both teams.
    since i typed this in a hurry i think i should have tons of mistakes.