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Pay-pal Error

Discussion in 'General Help' started by RisingDarkness, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. RisingDarkness

    RisingDarkness Builder Stabber

    I'm trying to purchase Premium but when i click buy now on Pay-pal it sends me to a error 3005 page. I'm from the UK so is this problem because it's an (i think) American based game or is other people having this problem?
  2. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    1st this is not america based game...

    2nd try fixing it with this link : https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/eBay-and-PayPal/How-to-fix-Error-3005/td-p/165432

    Read it whole first.

    This is not problem trough kag side so you will probebly not get much support.
    </br>--- merged: Apr 3, 2012 5:24 PM ---</br>

    Oh and you can also try using your credit card without paypal.(just log out of your paypal account and click paypal button to buy the game) it will give you option to buy it without a account and directly with a credit card
  3. Enderman2705

    Enderman2705 Catapult Fodder

    GER hello i have an question why say pay pale thats not good idea to buy ? is this dangerous or why ?
  4. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    FYI : Pay-Pal isn't dangerous, I have used to it to donate to the forums, so it "a-ok" to use Pay-Pal.
    meaow likes this.
  5. Enderman2705

    Enderman2705 Catapult Fodder

    yes but paypale don´t work
  6. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    What about it doesn't work?
    meaow likes this.
  7. Enderman2705

    Enderman2705 Catapult Fodder

    i cant´t buy it
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 28, 2014, Original Post Date: Apr 28, 2014 ---
    i trie to buy it with steam
  8. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    Well, I'm sorry but I cant help you, Thats not much information but try contacting THD via Email? I think they can help you out, Good luck!
    meaow likes this.
  9. Enderman2705

    Enderman2705 Catapult Fodder

    thanks but now i buyed with steam
  10. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    No problem! Classic's player base isn't much of a crowd anyway, I'm sure you'll love beta more. Hope to see you in-game!
    meaow likes this.