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Pickaxe Overhaul - Breaking Tiles and Breaking Faces

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Dargona1018, Sep 16, 2014.


What do you want to be done to the pickaxe?

  1. We should take out auto-targeting workshops.

    8 vote(s)
  2. We should keep auto-targeting workshops.

    2 vote(s)
  3. We should be able to break tiles instead of having to break corpses.

    6 vote(s)
  4. We should have to break the corpse before the tile (same speed).

    1 vote(s)
  5. We should have to break the corpse before the tile (increased speed).

    1 vote(s)
  6. We should be able to hit below us (regular damage)

    6 vote(s)
  7. We should be able to hit below us (increased damage)

    2 vote(s)
  8. We shouldn't be able to hit below us.

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
Mods: Rainbows
  1. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    So, this is gonna be a quick one with a couple points.

    So, the system right now is very wonky. Destroying blocks while around workshops, and other certain items make them auto-target that, which is the worst thing possible. After all, I don't think there is any reason to break down an enemy workshop (except tunnel) to justify the auto-target. This leads to a lot of "griefing" and upset, and wastes 200 wood each time, possibly more depending on the workshop.

    Another thing that is completely idiotic and screws up most battle-building excursions is how you can't break any tile until you break a corpse. You can walk through it, you can throw it, but apparently, you have to hit that one toe that is under yours and destroy it before you can break that one, game-changing block that is closer to you than said body.


    With combat, it makes no sense. You are only able to hit enemies beside you and above you.
    Truly, it would make more sense to do more damage if they are below you instead of doing none at all.
    With builder combat being broken, builder vs. builder combat is all about who is below and who is above, not skill, nor who hits first.

    You should do more damage if you hit below you, as you are using your whole body weight to smash a sharpened-yet-blunt metal spike into the flesh of the builder below you.

    Would hitting the one above do more damage, you ask? No, it wouldn't.
    You need the force of gravity with you to do any amazing damage, and if you hit something above you, you have to use a huge amount of strength to get the same damage as you would striking below.

    EDIT: Choose one for each section of questions on the poll.
    SirDangalang and bout like this.
  2. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    Builder does need to be fixed a little more in a few aspects, namely the offensive portion (you literally can't hit people 50% of the time) and workshops still being in the way and stupid corpses. So yeah, fix those please someone.
    DatNobby and Dargona1018 like this.
  3. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Sorry, was my bad. The poll is gone, feel free to send me a PM with the options and I'll re-add it again.
    Pizza likes this.
  4. tru0067

    tru0067 Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester

  5. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    There is already the white-outline of the block that you are aiming at, all that needs to be changed is for it to ALWAYS be active (and accurate. Look at you, workshops), and have it be grey-ish instead of white, as to not stand out so much as to kill your face.
Mods: Rainbows