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Ping Rocket

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Jlordo, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    Ok, so I'm happily playing kag when suddenly my ping of 100 skyrockets to 10000+ :huh?: and im ping kicked.:(
    I have tried un-installing and re-installing kag many times but it still doesn't work. It normally happens after 5-10 min of playing. I can get right back into the server but its really annoying and I hope it gets fixed because I paid money for this game.:>:(:
  2. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Ping are not related with KAG, they can't really 'fix' this.
    You should take a look if you're downloading something when you play or if you have a P2P (peer to peer) program open.
    You can also check the ping of the server before joining, don't join aussies servers if you're from USA.
  3. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    Thanks for the superhuman fast reply but I join servers with 33 ping and nobody is downloading anything and actually i forgot to mention this in the OP but it crashes the internet too so thats the cause of the 10000+ ping so actually this post should be called network crash instead of ping rocket. (It is not my internet because the network only crashes when im playing kag)
  4. Can I ask what your operating system is?
    and what type of internet connection you have? :)

    To make sure you have no peer to peer programs running, carefully check on your taskmgr [processes] if you've got any running. If you do, end the process.
  5. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    My operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium if that is what you mean. :)
    I honestly have no idea what my type of internet i have :oops: but over-all, it's very fast :B):

    And no, i don't have and p2p programs running and just to let you know , my internet just crashed again while playing so thats why im typing this. :(
    </br>--- merged: Aug 21, 2012 9:01 PM ---</br>
    Wait a sec, my internet just crashed and i hadn't been playing kag. I guess the crashes for the last few days have been crazy coincidences. (or the fact that i play kag way too much) Sorry for all this trouble guys.:oops: Now i have to figure out how to fix my internet. :huh?:
  6. Zer0Striker

    Zer0Striker Shipwright

    Something similar to this happens sometimes to me. Even while I am hosting the server my ping rockets and kicks everyone including me.
  7. Okay, now you know KAG isn't making your internet crash. All you have to do know is find out what make your router/broadband is and you should ask for assistance or atleast search online for any fixes or find out if anyone that has the same router as you is also having this problem.

    note: It might not even be your specific router. It might just be the make/brand that is making you lose connection or making it crash. Keep that in mind, but still look it up.

    Good luck to you! :rollseyes: