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Pivot/Rotation System With Catapult and Ballista

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Duplolas, Jan 28, 2014.


Would you like a pivot/rotation system?

  1. Yes, I would like a Pivot System

    1 vote(s)
  2. Yes, I would like a Rotation System

    2 vote(s)
  3. No, I would not like either system

    8 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    So in the Dev Blog - Build 954 thread it was suggested to allow a pivot system with catapults and ballistas so that siege vehicles would not have to be constantly facing where they were immobilized at until they were destroyed.


    It was suggested by @Thiamor to do this and he created a picture.


    I think having a pivot/rotation system would be nice to have. There are many cases where I just run up to an enemy base, deploy a cata, immobilize it, and then keep firing until I die. Most of the time, the enemy team just captures it and leaves it there for me to use again and again. It is a rare case when an enemy will actually spend the time to break it.

    So the original idea was to have a pivot system. Where once you got in, you could fire in either direction instead of just the one you were placed at. I think this is a good idea, but I feel as though this might be too easy on the defending team. Allowing them to change any direction they want, whenever they want, seems a bit OP.

    So my idea that is based of if this is to allow the vehicle to be rotated. You would click a option button on the vehicle saying "rotate". From there a bar would come up, same as the one required to unpack a cata/ballista, that would require you to be standing next to it, and after X amount of time the vehicle now changes the direction that it is facing.

    This idea makes it so the area must be completely secured before those wanting to change the direction of the vehicle can.

    Thoughts and Idea?
  2. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I have to say this thought is at first very appealing, but after thinking about it some more, I feel it defeats the point of being able to immobilise a siege weapon in the first place. If I buy a catapult, fight my way to a useful point of it, it's logical that I would immobilise it to prevent the enemy from using it against me. If they could just turn the bastard thing around and just fire straight at my walls instead, then I might as well have left the wheels on for all the tactical value that removing them provides.

    Additionally, having a relatively short time for turnaround, such as suggested, makes this even less desirable. Surely, you must have noticed the way that a siege weapon can just pop up on the hill before you base before you have the time to retaliate? I reiterate, this removes the value if immobilising the weapon, as it can just be turned around to devastate you own team after a single moderately effective counter-offensive.

    There's also the element of unnecessary complexity. This isn't really needed in the vanilla game, although the fact that you can feel free to mod whatever you would like goes without question. If the enemy gets a siege weapon up, the priority of a even slightly sensible team is to destroy it before it the damage is irreparable. If I can just turn it around to fight back, then the reason to even get one out is made far less appealing.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  3. SAcptm

    SAcptm Haxor Staff Alumni

    Capturing a ballista on top of an enemy wall is already incredibly devistating (too much so imo) due to the fact that one archer can sneak up, hop in, and your whole team can then spawn into their base. If said ballista could also be turned around and used to trash the base aswell then things might get a tad ridiculous.
    epenow likes this.
  4. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I understand your reasoning Hella, but I don't think allowing a vehicle to rotated would defeat the purpose of the immobilizing a vehicle.

    Not allowing a vehicle to move is a game changing mechanic of the game. Having the ability to immobilize a vehicle makes it so there is no way for the enemy team to capture it and use it to their advantage. Once it is down, it has to be destroyed or the enemy will keep using it.

    I don't see this as a good thing. Allowing a team to create a semi-permanent weapon of destruction at your front door just doesn't seem like a, and I really don't want to use this word, fair concept in its current state. What I see fair is giving a team who has battled hard to keep an enemy from attacking them a very small reward for doing so. Allowing a vehicle to rotate (rather than pivot) actually gives them this small reward. It makes it so they don't have to destroy the vehicle (though it still will be likely that destroying it would be the best decision) and waste it.

    It also is a good way to quickly disable an enemies attack. If you are outnumbered but have the time to rotate their siege the other direction, they have to take the time to rotate it back.
  5. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    The only real reason they even added the function to remove wheels is because greifers would get in and drive them into water, give it to the enemy, or drive to their own base to grief it. Not really to remove the ability to actually fire the catapult where you want.

    Thus if done right, you remove the wheels, but keep the Catapult so far away from your own base that it can't even reach it, if it were used by a griefer. Hell Catapults are still used by griefers in the first place.

    But I don't agree with a slowed-down type of rotation limit. How about to nerf the OP of the rotation, that for each time it's rotated, it takes a bit of HP off of the Catapult, until it breaks?Mainly because of what my dad says to me. A clicker can only click so much. Thus rotating can only rotate so much until the joints or whatever would give out.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 28, 2014, Original Post Date: Jan 28, 2014 ---
    Lastly this should only be applied to Catapults, or only to Ballistas...but not both. That, or allowing the players to rebuild wheels.

    IE, Ballista shop for Ballista parts, IE being able to repair it, such as wheels, and same for the Catapult, but you can only do one piece at a time, and carry it over and connect it. Thus limits how OP a repairing system would be.
    Klokinator likes this.
  6. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I find it interesting, on another note, that if my team researches Bomb Bolts and the enemy team doesn't but they capture our own ballista, they don't have access to bomb bolts from said ballista. I feel like taking our ballista away from us should give us them some reason to use this pivot functionality if they haven't researched the tech yet. Perhaps if a team sets up a ballista then whatever their bomb bolt tech is at persists with that ballista, only if it's been activated outside the container?
    epenow and Hella like this.
  7. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    [quote="Duplolas, post: 267678, member: 9563"Having the ability to immobilize a vehicle makes it so there is no way for the enemy team to capture it and use it to their advantage. Once it is down, it has to be destroyed or the enemy will keep using it.


    How dose immobilizing aseige weapon make it usless? I realize that not being able to turn around a cata or balista definetly lowers the usefulness of it to the enemy but I speak from experience when I say immobilized or not you can have a lot of gun with enemy seige weapons :rekt:

    E: meh I'm to lazy and tired to fix the quote
  8. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    If you have a siege weapon that is stuck in the direction of your base, there is no use for it. The only thing you can do is destroy it or let the enemy keep attacking you with it.

    If you were allowed to change the direction, there actually would be more of a reason to keep it rather than destroy it.
Mods: Rainbows