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Player rankings/stats

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by ChargingLocket, Feb 28, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. I looked through the already suggested ideas and I don't think I saw this one. Anyways I've been wanting a way to see my overall stats, I've been playing for 3 years, and also a way to level up and your level to be displayed beside your name, which the level will be your overall level/rank and after every game you are rewarded xp for the score you have at the end of the game. This will give another aspect to the game for people to work towards as I find the majority of people like to work towards some sort of goal and the only current goal is winning.
    franek123 likes this.
  2. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    This has been brought up in comments, but i don't think an actual thread has been made for it.

    Anyway, the problem with this is, the current scoring system isn't set up to be tracked, as score isn't meaningful.

    The only class that score really matters for is knights. Builders don't get score for building, archers don't get score for assisting/destroying buildings.

    Thus, any sort of XP/stats tracking based off the current scoring system would be absolutely pointless.
  3. I'm sure it wouldn't be that difficult to change that tho. Archers already get gold from assisting , workers get gold for building (CTF) so just apply those principles to the overall score.
    Vampire likes this.
  4. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    The issue is balancing, what is assisting? What isn't block spam?

    And I must say, winning the game is more important than k/d, score, and so on.
    Builders are very good at saving the day, and archers are great at ruining days.
    I don't know if knights really are on top when it comes to coin counts; I find that I have more coins at the end of the day as a builder. (Maybe that's because I'm not bleeding coins dying, and buying special ammo)
    GreenLich likes this.
  5. GreenLich

    GreenLich Catapult Fodder

    i think that's will be just horrible to create a fonction of stats in KAG, must be realllyyy difficult. and like said boea, the important thing is to win the game. but i will love to have general stats. how many player killed and how. some achievement but it's the same thing. would be easy for knight and freaking hard to make for archer an builder. if we wanted to do that, i think we need to change the game and i dont really want to change it just for stats.
    epenow and kodysch like this.
  6. Not really builders get kills from traps, they get coins from building shops and who would block spam to get a good score when you got the knight and all you would need to do to solve it is add a kick option for block spamming and if you would block spam it would be more efficient to actually build proper defense, on the other hand archer is good for capping and already gets coins from landing arrows (mentioned earlier) and it would make people try harder because we all know those people that swap teams just before they loss (i suppose this should be removed and changing team should only apply in the building stage) Anyway i'm only supposing this applies to official servers where there are more than a certain amount of people.
  7. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Builders get coins, not score. Spike traps don't credit their creator, saws do, but spikes do not. Builders get absolutely no score for placing blocks or doing any other building related task.

    Again, Archers get coins for hitting/capping, not score. Coins and score are two very different things. Score is based entirely on your kill/death ratio, nothing else.

    Unless the scoring system itself is completely remade, any sort of stats tracking is out of the question. It'd be pointless, and give credit to the wrong kinds of people.
    NinjaCell and Klokinator like this.
  8. As i said earlier all you would need to do is make the same principles for coins effect the score. Not that hard to figure out....The whole score system doesn't need to be remade just tweaked
  9. GreenLich

    GreenLich Catapult Fodder

    just saying but how are you gonna make count the action of a builder who save his base, a builder who protected the base alone during the whole game, an archer who destroyed a complete building by itself or even a builder who digged a tunnel that made his team victorious??? that's really important action in a game and they need to be count if we had stats but how the hell can someone make a fonction to know if someone did this or not. this is way too complicated to make fonction for this.
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  10. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    It's definitely more complicated than just turning coins into score, as knights would still have an unfair advantage.

    To make a fair, all class inclusive scoring system, there's a LOT of variables to consider, and it would actually be quite complicated to work out.

    IMO, it's more effort than it's worth, and unless someone manages to do some of the groundwork with mods, I doubt the devs will show much interest in this.
    NinjaCell, Knighthart and Apronymous like this.
  11. GreenLich

    GreenLich Catapult Fodder

    yeah that's right, even if i think we all want stats. that's not worth it :QQ:
  12. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    It would be a nice thing to have stats that work, but getting it to work is the most questionable thing.
  13. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I've brought it up before. Never gave it much thought though.

    You guys seem to be making this a bit more complicated than it needs to be.

    If you want to add in rankings/levels there is a simple solution.

    For levels, base it completely off game wins.

    For stats, have each class have specific stats to be tracked. From kills to time played. Keep it simple.
  14. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    If this were to happen as duplolas suggested (which I honestly don't think that modders or the devs will take interest in this), basing levels off of game wins wouldn't work too well. Unless you made it so that only games that you are able to vote in (in the game for 3 minutes) count towards levels. Many a time have I joined a game and then instantly won or lost without even walking out of the tent.
  15. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Yeah. The problem with this is that you would have a lot of work to do to make this happen. It would likely have to be community made first.

    I think your suggestion for it not to count unless 3 minutes had passed would work nicely, of course, providing that this even is done.
  16. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Fwiw, if you want a really good example of how to track things have a look at the score keeping that @splittingred set up for KAG Gather in Classic.

    It had kills and deaths broken down into exactly what caused each kill/death (e.g. X many bomb kills/deaths, Y many fatal falls/pushing someone to their death, etc.) as well as things like no. of catapults/kegs bought, no. of workshops built, no. of flag captures/caps, no of assisted kills, no. of matches won/lost/abandoned, etc.

    It also had a score table that allowed you to sort things by class played, so you could compare peoples kills/scores for each class and whether their good kdr came from playing campy archer or being a knight juggernaut.

    Ofc, some of this was only possible because of the Gather format (players locked into a Bo3 matches with locked classes during a match) but the I'm sure some of it could be possible. I know that @norill used to have a server in Classic that had good scoring/metrics (including giving kills to builders for spikes and [I think?] block-drops).
  17. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Stats systems really need to be per-server rather than global, as it'd be too easy to make a mod that gives infinite kills on your record. All the tools needed for this kind of thing are already there, just requires some dedicated admin to write a script that goes along with the scoreboard and reads/writes a log file, or prints stuff to the console for some other utility to parse.
  18. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I never want global stat tracking in kag, ever. Ever. Last thing we need is for this game to turn into the ultimate killwhoring clusterfuck that is the Current Modern Game.
    Sir_Walter, crackwise and Apronymous like this.
  19. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Which is why I suggested the broader stat-tracking as implemented for Gather. Sure there might have been a bit of killwhoring here & there but, by and large, the biggest factor was whether your team won, which really meant that getting the best overall 'score' meant doing what was best for the team.
    8x and Duplolas like this.
  20. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    TF2's stat tracking system is a great middle ground for competitive and casual play. Something like that would be the way to go IMO.

    (not talking about strange weps)
Mods: Rainbows