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'Please check the address again and make sure the server is running.', with single player...

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Platoonsgt1, Mar 3, 2012.

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  1. Platoonsgt1

    Platoonsgt1 Builder Stabber

    I'm getting this error (Please check the address again and make sure the server is running) almost all of the time when I try to play single player, after the green word 'connecting...' has flashed for a while and all the terrain/buldings etc. have generated. Occasionally I don't get the problem and connect normally, but there's about a 1 in 30 chance of success.
    Are there any easy fixes that I've missed, or is this unheard of so far?
    I've had it since before this update, and nothings changed with it since then, and it makes it a real pain to try out the Zombie Survival mode. (It affects all the single player things, not just Zombie Survival)
    I searched the forums for the error, with 5 results all related to local multiplayer servers.
    I haven't had this problem when trying to connect to a multiplayer server, although I haven't tried to connect to a locally hosted one.

    I'm not sure what additional information I should provide, as it doesn't crash the game and probobly won't create any sort of error file.
  2. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hi Platoonsgt1,

    Do you have any 3rd party firewalls installed on your computer? (like as part of a "network security suite", usually bundled with antivirus software)
  3. Platoonsgt1

    Platoonsgt1 Builder Stabber

    My dad put McAfee on it, if that's what your asking. I made sure it's status in the 'application list' is on allow, and not block.
    Do I need to allow Kag's ports as well, or might it be the router/modem?

    Edit: Well, I seem to have fixed it by permitting the particular ports in McAfee :D
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