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Discussion in 'General Help' started by Star_Legend456, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Star_Legend456

    Star_Legend456 Catapult Fodder

    Hello, you guys know that i have been banned but i have been unbanned... I need help! Can someone tellme why when i undownload KAG then redownload it, it says my build is 428. I did this process 3 times and it wont download the right one. I go to KAG home then click free download, then i click Windows download.:oops::QQ::(:thumbs_down: Capture.PNG
  2. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    Have you logged in and started playing yet?
  3. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    This question was answered dozen of times over our forums. Go into your KAG/App folder and delete there file called "version.txt" and afterwards run the game.

    Side note: I don't recall unbanning you.