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Please read this first before you kick or ban someone!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MC_RetarT, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. MC_RetarT

    MC_RetarT Shipwright

    OK, so i was playin' on some Poland server and one of those guyz was building one stone block thick and really high tower, without any doors and when i asked what is it for he just answered :"for a skybridge" well one block thick tower without doors at the end of the map? Well, useless. So i collapse it down. (I killed 2 people, but it was in the building time, so it didn't affect score) And suddenly i got spammed in chat by: "Yeah! He is griefer kick him!" or "Enjoy your ban" and i just got banned in 10 seconds, because they didn't want to explain it. So i got banned just because some player was building REALLY USELESS structure. So please when you want to call someone a griefer, firstly you must make sure if that player is really griefer. I'm doin' it this way. Sorry for my bad english :)
  2. JackMcDaniels

    JackMcDaniels Haxor

    I don't think this thread is serious, but if it is then you got what you deserved since you could have just added doors yourself or asked him to.
    Noburu likes this.
  3. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    No player is in any real position to say another person's creation is useless, and you certainly don't have grounds to destroy the other person's creation. This is a multiplayer team game, which means you have to cooperate with your comrades. That means working with other players, and augmenting and adding to their creations.

    Basically, there isn't really any excuse for destroying a teammates' construction without their permission unless they are using it to grief (such as blocking entrances and exits with stone, spike griefing, etc). Although there are instances in which a team can unanimously decide that a structure is detrimental to the team, such as stacked team doors, invasive workshop placement, traps that are dangerous to teammates and walls that are too high and without easy passage.
    Noburu and Beef like this.
  4. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Technically it only became useless after you collapsed it; before then it could have been a giant ass single block wall of death.
    Noburu likes this.
  5. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You griefed, get over it.
    First of all you could have told him how to fix it, it's not like you were going to use that area.
    Secondly as long as it was behind the base it was actually good to have
    Thirdly, just add doors next time FFS or at least break open a hole and support it first with backwall/ladders

    But the worst possible thing you did, was that he can no longer rebuild there most likely as collapses cause some artifact glitch where you can no longer properly build on the tile, or sometimes can only build backwall first and then put something, but that even is rare. That said, not only did you break his skybridge there, you also broke any chance of ever putting one there on that map.
  6. Iscann4Griefers

    Iscann4Griefers Shipwright

    Sometimes, yea, they are construction that are harmful to the own team, slowing them down, or giving enemy advantages.
    Next time, what about following this behaviour?

    - Say that this construction is harming the team and ask for reconstruction
    - Reconstruct it yourself by doors, blackstone etc.
    - If not possible (like people building stones bridge which enemy can use), look for other intelligent players and say that you will destroy it (with their approval)
    - If they are too many noobs who dont see chat, or dont care, better change the team and rape the noobs asses.

    Your claim (which might be true) that the structure was stupid and harmful, well thats what half of the griefers claim.

    have fun
    MC_RetarT likes this.
  7. MC_RetarT

    MC_RetarT Shipwright

    Thx Iscann for Tips before I need to collapse I got teached :) Maybe I should rename this thread for "Read this first before you collapse something :D. If someone from that server is reading this, i am apologising :)
  8. Iscann4Griefers

    Iscann4Griefers Shipwright

    You see, thats what Griefers (in your case halfway Griefer) should be like. I hate griefers who invent excuse story afterwards. Why not openly say "I am sorry" and we can go on the game? Of course this doesnt work like several times. Hope you get unbanned.
    MC_RetarT likes this.