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premium in game

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Shinzy, Nov 28, 2011.

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  1. Shinzy

    Shinzy Shipwright

    i think i've a problem, on the website, on my profile, it's written:

    • Premium account
    • Last login Never
    and in game when im logging, it's written:

    Master : premium authentication successful

    did i miss something or my game and my profile on the website aren't synchronize ?
  2. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I'm confused - they both seem to agree that you're premium. What's the problem?
  3. unwoundpath

    unwoundpath Arsonist

    I think he's trying to say that the last login's weird? but that doesn't go with the thread title...
  4. Shinzy

    Shinzy Shipwright

    My bad, my message wasn't complete...
    My premium content wasnt unlocked, didn't know why. i thought it was about something with my profile (the "Last login Never"). But the problem has been solved by himself, i can customize my avatar now even though its still written the same thing on my profile.
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